
自由党公布预算 胡达克宣布士加堡候选人

来源: 大中报特约 Kevin Jia

Hudak announcement fails to draw Chinese Media attention


The Liberals announced 2014 budget that includes transit spending, tax hikes and employees’ pension plans. Meanwhile, four PC candidates, one of whom is from the Chinese community, were announced to run for the next provincial election-- at the Scarborough Chinese Cultural Centre. However, the announcement seemed to have failed to garner enough interest from the Chinese media, with only reporters from the Fairchild and Chinese News attending.


士嘉堡红河选区候选人Raymond Cho(左二),士嘉堡西南选区候选人Nita Kang(右二),士嘉堡-桂活特选区候选人Ken Kirupa(左一)、士嘉堡中区的David Ramalho和安省保守党党魁胡达克(Tim Hudak,中)在记者会上。摄影:贾宁扬大中报/096.ca


安省保守党领袖胡达克日前宣布将在下届省选中代表保守党出战士嘉堡选区的候选人,他们分别是:士嘉堡红河选区候选人Raymond Cho士嘉堡中区候选人David Romalho,士嘉堡西南选区候选人Nita Kang,士嘉堡-桂活特选区候选人Ken Kirupa

Tim Hudak, leader of the Ontario PC Party, has announced his running candidates for the Scarborough ridings; Raymond Cho-- candidate for Scarborough Rouge-River; David Romalho-- candidate for Scarborough Centre; Nita Kang—candidate for Scarborough Southwest; and Ken Kirupa—candidate for Scarborough-Guildwood.

胡达克是在士嘉堡大多伦多中华文化中心举行的新闻发布会上宣布上述消息,以期得到更多加拿大华人的支持。但是前来参加这个发布会的记者寥寥无几,在30个华裔媒体中,只有FairChild电台和《大中报》的记者到场。在被问及为什么参与的华裔媒体如此之少时,Raymond Cho称与会记者寥寥是因为他未曾通知各路媒体,与安省保守党不确定的支持率无关。

The announcement came at a press conference Hudak held at the Scarborough Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto in efforts to increase Chinese Canadian support. The conference had a poor turnout, with only two of thirty Chinese media outlets reporting—Fairchild TV and Chinese News. When asked why there was so little Chinese support, Raymond Cho responded that he had failed in advising various media outlets and that the poor turnout is not attributed to wavering Ontario PC support.


“Last Sunday, we had a turnout of 2,000 people. Had I informed all the media, I’m sure this room would be packed. I take the blame,” said Cho.


Hudak also publicized his upcoming platform of creating 1 million jobs in 8 years. The leader of the Ontario PC’s also claims that under Wynne’s regime, at least 300,000 manufacturing jobs have been lost. He further claims that the Wynne government is concerned only with themselves and not tax payers and has become a ‘lazy’ government.


“When governments have run out of ideas, they just throw money to solve the problem. This is lazy politics,” said Hudak. The accusation comes at a recent Liberal budget announcement where the Liberal government intends to increase spending by over 30 billion in the next decade.


The Liberal budget outlines a variety of new spending plans including increases to transit and a new pension plan that would be financed privately. The new pension plan will force Ontarians without employment pension to save 1.9% of their paycheck and will be matched by employer contributions. The budget also indicated an increase to child benefits, from $1,210 a year per child to $1,310.

预算案还将增加高收入者(年收入超过 $150,000)的收入所得税。即使如此,安省预算将面临125亿元的赤字。自由党称他们将于2017-2018年度恢复预算平衡。

The budget will be financed by a tax hike on ‘high-income earners’ (over $150,000). Even with the increases in taxes, the budget will have a $12.5 billion deficit. The Liberals plan to balance the budget in 2017-2018.


Hudak also claimed the Liberal government continues to burn public funds on several scandals and continues its handouts to those on government sunshine lists.


Recently, a Globe and Mail article accused all three major Ontario provincial parties, Liberal, Ontario PC, and NDP, of quietly back channeling public funds to government insiders. The Auditor-General has also claimed that their own powers are limited in monitoring individual contracts.


When asked at the press conference on the lack of transparency that has plagued the Liberal government, Hudak responded that he would put contracts online for the public to see. Hudak further stated that he would reduce Cabinet salaries if they fail to achieve goals.


“Hydro bills go up, taxes go up, and taxpayers find out that the money has been wasted on scandals, Liberal insiders, and big government union,” alleged Hudak. “People in Ontario are working harder than ever. That’s got to end, and it will end under my PC government.”

目前尚不清楚胡达克是否能获得足够的支持率击败现任自由党政府。Forum Research最近的民调结果显示,韦恩领导的安省自由党支持率为35%,胡达克领导的安省保守党支持率为32%

It remains to be seen if Hudak can garner enough public frustration with the current Liberal government. A recent Forum Research poll suggests Wynne’s government leads with 35% with Hudak’s PCs at 32%.






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