

来源: 大中报特约 Kevin Jia

Buying frenzies, soaring prices and housing bubbles

Kevin Jia在目睹了其邻里街区的购房热以及极度飙升的房价后认为,房屋贷款保险公司的看法难以令人信服。

The CMHC held a press conference last week, sharing their belief with the public that there is no bubble in the Canadian housing market. However, witnessing buying frenzies that have driven the housing price in his neighbourhood through the roof, Kevin Jia casts a sceptical eye on the view of the mortgage insurance agency.

当我们一家人在大约13年前搬到北约克时,我的父母花了不到$50万元买下了我们现在的住房。此后我们全家一直在这套房屋里享受着舒适生活,但我从将它与电影里看到的百万豪宅相提并论。但是在上周,在我居住的有数栋挂着“Sold over Asking”售房牌的简朴的中产邻里,一套较小的房屋以$100万元的价格售出,不禁令我想起那些从飙涨房价中获利的人士。

When my family moved to North York most than 13 years ago, my parents bought our home for less than half a million. While we’ve lived comfortably well in this home, I’ve never considered it as a million dollar home you see in the movies. But last week, amid signs plastered with ‘Sold over Asking’ in my quaint middle-class neighborhood, a relatively small house was sold for $1 million. This has brought back memories of others who had profited from skyrocketing home valuations.

2009年,我震惊地发现我家邻里街区的房价翻了近一倍。当同住一个社区的朋友以$80万元出售他们的房屋,随后又搬进Bayview Village的百万豪宅后,我确信房价将会下跌。但如今我却深感迷茫与困惑,因为在过去短短四年中房价又上涨了25%

Back in 2009, I was shocked that the property value in my modest neighborhood had nearly doubled. When a family friend sold their home in our neighborhood for $800,000 and moved into a Bayview Village’s multimillion dollar home, I was sure prices would have to cool. But today, I’m perplexed and puzzled as to how prices could have risen again, by another 25% in just 4 years.


But the phenomenon isn’t just isolated to my quiet North York neighborhood. All across the GTA, homes prices are ballooning. With historically low Mortgage rates, Torontonians have been ambitious in their real estate endeavors. According to The Star, one Toronto home—which is even smaller than my own—sold for over a million, after receiving a mindboggling 70 bids. For the young generation, to which I’m a part of, buying a home before I’m 30 in Toronto seems impossible if prices continue to soar at their current rates.


Despite my fears, many experts claim the market will cool in the next few years. Last week, the Canadian Mortgage Housing Corporation gave their Spring Market Outlook in a packed boardroom of media members—to which even surprisedEdward Heese, senior analyst for CMHC who gave an hour long press conference. The CMHC maintains that even in face of declining startups and increased MLS sales in Canada from 193,500 to 201,700, prices will grow at a slower rate and will stabilize.


“There’s a decreasing gap between price growth and income growth,” said Heese. “We expect startups to stabilize as unemployment will fall to just 6.6% in 2015.”


But it seems that Toronto seems to veer sharply off from the CMHC’s outlook in Ontario. The latest report from the indicated sales volume in Toronto jumps of 19.6%, with the average cost to buy a home (condo’s included) up by a startling 11.5%, and in GTA, the prices have spiked by 8.9%, while at the same time, wage growth in Toronto remains as low as 2.3%. It doesn’t take a math whiz to quickly realize there’s a disproportion in home prices to affordability.



It seems that significant overheating is taking place in the Toronto market, and it has even drawn attention from our American counterparts. According to the Times, there are 55,000 condo units under construction in Canada, three times what population growth requires. It’s easy to see why our neighbors to the south are confused—so are many Torontonians. Apparently, much of the reporters in the room were primarily concerned with fears of a looming housing downturn.


But the CMHC reassured Ontarians that the necessary symptoms required for a bubble aren’t there. According to Heese, there has been minimal Price acceleration, overbuilding, and overheating. The fears being caused in the market, as the CMHC claims, are caused by dramatic media reports and have little factual basis.

但是,我所知的轶事证据与CMHC的展望并不相符。我经常听到我的父母谈论有关那些富有的中国移民在定居加国后,买房作为投资。我家的另一个朋友, 一个在中国建筑公司工作的单身母亲最近就在皮克灵购买了一栋价格超过$120万元的新屋,其中只有10%是保费,其余$100多万都是按揭贷款!

Yet, all of my anecdotal evidence is not calibrated with the CMHC’s outlook. I constantly hear of my parents talking about Chinese immigrants, with large fortunes, settling in Canada and purchasing homes for investments. Another family friend – a single mother who works for a Chinese construction firm recently bought a new home in Pickering for over $1.2 million, with only 10% of premium and over a million in mortgages!

但是在有关富有移民抬高加拿大房价的故事不时见诸媒体头条之际, 这位单身母亲的故事可能只是冰山一角。据媒体报道称,当加拿大政府不再接纳中国富裕投资者时,加拿大帝国商业银行副首席经济师泰尔曾称,这会对温哥华和多伦多的楼市产生重大影响。

But her story may just a tip of an iceberg as stories where immigrants with large sum of cash jacked up the housing market in Canada have flooded the media headlines. According to media reports, when the government closed doors for wealthy Chinese investors to enter Canada, Benjamin Tal, CIBC Deputy Chief Economist stated it could have a great impact in Vancouver and Toronto housing markets.


But when pressed for the role that immigration plays in spiking up the housing market, CMHC played it off, stating they didn’t have the metric and that it was only a small part of the market.


“The only time we hear of this is when you guys bring this up through anecdotal evidence,” says Heese. “I wish I had more data, but I don’t.”


That answer definitely troubles me. And what troubles me, along with many Ontarians, the most is that many so called watchdogs and agencies that monitor housing prices bring conflicting reports and they can’t agree themselves on what’s happening in the market, which has continued to cause widespread confusion in the market.


However, after sitting through the CMHC’s press conference, the agency’s lack of data and available metrics left a lingering taste that they were speculating as well – their conclusion seems to have with little scientific basis.


Is there a housing bubble? Your guess is as good as mine.



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