
在Sibbald Point 公园度过第一个露营夜

Planning your first camping night at Sibbald Point Park


For most immigrants who grew up in urban China where parks are made of superficial ponds, planted flowers, and historical buildings, Canadian parks have taken our park visiting experience to a completely new level. The wildness, natural beauty, and outdoor activities were new and exciting, but also challenging and intimidating.


To enjoy the wildness adventures that Canadian parks have to offer requires knowledge and skills, and these skills are gained through training. Local Canadians have many opportunities to learn during their childhood, through school programs or family camping expeditions, but for most immigrants will have missed these childhood experiences –but it is never too late to gain it now.

我在近期的一个周末参加了安省公园管理局在位于闪高湖南岸萨顿镇的Sibbald Point省立公园提供的新移民公园培训课程。

I attended some newcomers’ learning programs offered by Parks Ontario at Sibbald Point Park during a recent weekend – a provincial park located in Sutton – at South Shore Lake Simcoe.  


Learning to Reel


You learn everything you need to know to have a safe and fun fishing experience, while having a chance to catch a fish. Despite the fact that many immigrants have had fishing experience before, I was shocked at how little knowledge we had about fishing as the instructor asked a slew of questions – from how to casting rods to how to identify different types of fish. Many immigrant adults at the session found themselves to be challenged as the school aged kids.


How to grab a caught fish is tricky. If you don’t do it properly, a bleeding finger would ruin your fun and excitement. Among most of the fishing tips offered by the instructor, this one probably the most useful one for me – due to my past grievances of course. But who knows, for you it might be a different one – how about to look behind you before throwing out your fishing rod to the water, so as to avoid unexpected tragic incident from happening?

Sibbald Point省立公园在冬天还会提供冰上垂钓,相关的培训课程亦吸引了许多新移民。这项充满乐趣的活动可以让你在严冬尽享户外活动之乐趣,而不必闷在屋里盯着阴霾天空中飘飞的雪花。

Sibbald Point Park also offers ice fishing during the winter, a program that has attracted many new immigrants in Canada. It is such a fun activity to enjoy in the frigid winter -- as oppose to being locked inside a room watching snowflakes falling from the gloomy sky.


 Night Camping No Longer Intimidating

家庭露营是安省盛行的夏季传统活动之一,安省各地拥有100多个提供汽车露营的省立公园。Sibbald Point省立公园的营地设有火坑、野餐桌、还为夜宿露营者提供淋浴设施等。

Family camping is one of the great summer traditions in Ontario, and Ontario has over 100 provincial parks across the province that offer car camping. The Sibbald Point campsite has a fire pit, a picnic table, and shower facility for your night at the campsite.


But night camping seems to be a particularly challenge outdoor activity to our family. A few years ago we had a one night experience at Algonquin Park, and we all hated it. With little planning and minimum cooking and camping equipments, the trip had offered barely any fun, and worse yet, it almost left us traumatized. After one sleepless night of lying on top of a few layer of blankets that separated our body from the cold damp ground, we cancelled the rest of our stay and hurried back home.


The program prepares you for the first night-camping experience, and the training includes how to pitch you tent and pump air mattress, and even food preparation and setting up a camp fire. It also provides an 8 person tent, air mattresses, and variety of camp kitchen equipment – from dinnerware, to even garbage bags.


Is it embarrassing enough to tell you that this was the first time I learned that we need an air mattress for camping?


Needless to say, many people attending the session, mostly immigrants who have never had a camping experience before have found the program is very useful and expressed their willingness to take camping as habit.


As for my family, our prior camping experience would have been an entirely different one had we attended the “learn to camp” session beforehand.

除了钓鱼和夜宿露营,Sibbald Point 省立公园还提供其他夏季活动的培训课程,包括划船、沙滩游泳、野餐和丛林徒步等,而Eildon Hall则是该公园的宝藏。

Apart from fishing and night camping, Sibbald Point Park offers other summer activities, including boating, swimming at sandy beach, and a shaded picnic area and forested hiking trails, but Eildon Hall is the park’s hidden treasure.

Eildon Hall博物馆

Eildon Hall

Eildon Hall博物馆曾是Susan Sibbald女士居住的庄园,以其苏格兰的家乡命名,室内陈设着1600年代的家具,和她儿子从世界各地购置回来的稀有珍品。博物馆的一楼主要用来展示维多利亚时代的宝藏。在来自印度和中国的肖像画和纪念品中,还有一块从颐和园洗劫而来的金表。

Named after her family home in Scotland, this former country estate of Susan Sibbald contains furniture from the 1600s and items brought by her sons from around the world. On the first floor of the estate there are collections on display mainly of the Victorian era. Among portraits and mementoes from India and China, there was a gold watch looted from the Summer Place.

在这片区域成为公园之前的130年中,Sibbald家族一直生活在Eildon Hall。目前Sibbald家族的一些居民仍然生活在庄园附近。

For 130 years before this area became a park, Eildon Hall was home of the Sibbald family. Some of the residents of the family are still around and lived nearby the estate.

其实,夏季并不一定要出国旅行,安省的公园就足以让你流连忘返。虽然Sibbald 公园可能不如Killarney公园或阿冈昆公园那样享有盛誉,但也足可以让热衷户外活动的人士尽享自然乐趣。因此痛恨400高速公路交通的人士不妨走这条捷径,从Sibbald 公园开始体验第一夜的露营之旅。

In fact, summer doesn’t mean a trip overseas, our backyard Ontario has more than enough to offer. In fact, although Sibbald Park may be less popular than Killarney or Algonquin Park, it has similar features to offer to those who enjoy outdoor activities. For those who hate the traffic on highway 400, why not take a short cut and give a first night camping experience a try at SibbaldPoint.





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