

来源: 大中报特约 Kevin Jia
Vivienne Poy: Breaking Silence Gallery Perfect for Chinese Canadians

香港移民和大陆移民都有可能成为侵犯人权行为的受害者。在历史上,香港人一直被视为英国统治的二等公民,而大陆人则一直生活在持续恶化的侵犯人权环境中。但相比之下,加拿大的香港移民似乎比大陆移民更具政治敏感性。Kevin Jia就此访问了加拿大前参议员,现任加拿大人权博物馆华人社区全国筹款运动主席Vivienne Poy。

Both people from Hong Kong and Mainlanders can relate to human rights violations. Historically, Hong Kong people were treated as second class citizens under the British rule, and Mainlanders have been living in a deteriorating human rights environment. But Hong Kong Canadians seem to be more politically sensitive than Mainlanders. Kevin Jia interviews Vivienne Poy, former Canadian senator and currently National Campaign Chair of Chinese Canadians for the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.

Vivienne Poy在大约10年前首次涉足人权博物馆,并成为博物馆顾问小组中重要成员,最近她向《大中报》表达了她对加拿大香港移民和大陆移民的政治参与性看法。她同时还高兴地宣布,加拿大人权博物馆最近已经完成筹集$200万元开设Breaking the Silence  Gallery展厅的的目标。

Vivienne Poy, who first got onboard with the museum nearly 10 years ago and has been a vocal member on the museum’s advisor panel, offered her thoughts with Chinese News on the political involvement of Hong Kong and Mainland Chinese-Canadians. She was also pleased to announce that the Canadian Museum for Human Rights has recently reached their goal of raising $2 million for the opening of the Breaking the Silence gallery.



The museum, which is the first of its kind and is located in Winnipeg, discusses themes of human rights violations, from international issues-- such as discrimination, sexual slavery and racism-- to even historical domestic violations. Poy stressed that education has been the focal point of the museum.

Breaking the Silence gallery展厅尤其突出了加拿大华人在20世纪初遭遇的侵犯人权行为,包括人头税等歧视性政策,以及种族歧视等。

 The Breaking the Silence  gallery in particular highlights human rights violations Chinese-Canadians suffered in the early 20th century, from discriminatory policies such as the Head Tax, to racial discrimination.


Poy称:“Breaking the Silence gallery展厅很适合我的社区,因为华裔社区已经打破沉默,公开了加拿大政府对加拿大华人的所作所为。”

“The Breaking the Silence gallery was perfect for my community, because the Chinese community has broken the silence for what the Canadian government did to Chinese Canadians.”



But even though Chinese-Canadians have suffered systemic human rights violations in Canadian history, most Chinese-Canadians, who grew up under a tightfisted Chinese governmental regime, are hesitant to discuss or even engage in human rights issues. China itself has been accused of many human rights violations, from June 4th incident to the Tibetan crackdown.



For many Mainland Chinese-Canadians, even though they now live abroad, the Chinese government continues to cast its shadow and human rights is still considered taboo. As such, it remains to be seen whether the museum will resonate well amongst Mainlanders in Canada.


Mainlanders in Canada have felt China’s stern efforts in erasing June 4th. This year marked the 25th anniversary of June 4th, however fewer than 100 Chinese-Canadians (of which a large portion was surprisingly Hong Kong Canadians) attended the candlelight vigil.



“The Hong Kong community protests because they resist the Chinese government. Things were much better under British government,” explained one Hong Kong protestor in attendance of the Toronto vigil. “We would rather have the British.”



In Hong Kong, the June 4th candlelight vigil is far better received, where thousands protest CCP rule and attend to remember those who died.



“I think Hong Kong people are more politically sensitive because they are of course more politically free,” says Poy. “Because of education they’ve been allowed to think freely because the British government was pragmatic—by allowing trade you have to give people freedom.”



When asked why Mainlanders have remained cautious towards discussion of human rights violations, Poy believes that Mainlanders are worried that many may have families in China—Mainlanders fear they will not be able to return to China in the future if they speak out in Canada.



But Poy remains adamant that more must be done by the Chinese-Canadian community to ensure history does not repeat itself.



“I’ve seen discrimination and experienced it,” explains Poy. “I grew up in Hong Kong as a child and we were always second class to the British. Even though I have not suffered [to the extent of others] does not mean I do not help others.”


目前,人权博物馆正在筹建另一个展厅Canadian Journey gallery,该博物馆希望能够凑集到$750万元,但现在距离捐款目标还差得很远。Poy呼吁所有支持人权博物馆的人士捐款。加拿大大陆移民是否能够理解人权博物馆的重要意义,人们还需拭目以待。

Currently, the museum is undertaking another exhibit, the Canadian Journey gallery. The museum hopes to raise $7.5 million but so far donations have been few and far between. Poy urges for any who supports the museum to please donate. It remains to be seen if the museum’s important values will catch on with Mainland Chinese-Canadians.





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