

Meet the mayoral Candidates -- Markham Municipal Election 2014 (II)
来源: Bob Mok

随着多伦多市长选举进入白热化,将于1027日举行的万锦市政选举也进入冲刺阶段。《大中报》将开辟Bob Mok撰写的专栏,以分析万锦市的选举议题和介绍(区域和选区)议员及万锦市长的候选人。我们希望通过他的专栏和文章让读者更好地了解都市政容,也以期帮助选民们在投票箱中投出明智的一票。

Markham municipal election -- which falls on Oct. 27, has entered its final stretch as Toronto mayoral race is heating up. Chinese News will run a column by Bob Mok, which identifies Markham election issues and introduces councillorand mayoral candidates.  We hope his column and articles will shed light on municipal politics and help voters to make the right choices.



Mok has actively participated in Markham municipal politicsover the past few years.He started with fighting against the City’s Arena proposal using public funding, and was instrumental in its ultimate demise.  His presence at Council and Committee meetings and his deputations have helped curb wastes and increase the City’s transparency.  


Even though Mayor Scarpitti is “expected” to win this election, he is also expected to lose a lot of support due to his lack of Transparency in the Arena project and his vote count should decrease as well. At least, he will not be alone and get acclaimed without his name getting listed on the ballots. Now, we can see a vote count for him from Markham citizens on voting night.



Last time, Mayor Scarpitti picked up 54,660 votes in 2010 and there were 3 candidates. This time, there are 5 candidates including him below:






Out of this list of 5 candidates, 4 have prior municipal election experiences.


虽然预期Scarpitti市长将会在此次市选中获得连任,但是记住,不到最后胜负难见分晓。Stephen Kotcyk在上次市长选举中获得5,566张选票,预计他在这次会有更好的表现。他在体育馆辩论中的积极表现将为他加分。

Mayor Scarpitti is not expected to lose this race but remember, it is not over till the fat lady sings. Expect Stephen Kotcyk’s fortune to rise this time and do much better than the 5,566 votes he got last time around. His performance and exposure in the Arena debate will be reflected.



Markham Issues:



Transparency, efficiency of Council and communication with residents – remember Ice Storm during Christmas 2013?



Appointments to various organizations and committees - how can a Mayor do better?



Traffic Gridlock and inadequate transit



Cost sharing of infrastructure costs



Markham District Energy (MDE) – should we continue to fund it?




Issues relating to the Incumbent Mayor



The Mayor to handling projects and negotiations alone without involvement of other Council members, is that the right thing to do?


市长与Khalid Usman的关系以及会面。

The Mayor’s relationship with Khalid Usman and appointments.



Population growth running ahead of planning assumptions



Ward#5 Mosque location and approval issue



Opening the books to public on MDE



Intentions to run for Regional Chair shortly and wasting money used for this election.







Let’s look at the candidates in alphabetical order:


Patrick Cottrell: 最后一分钟报名参选的新秀候选人。在康山区举行的全体候选人大会上,他的表现喜人,但他至今尚未公布自己的竞选政纲。

Patrick Cottrell:  A Rookie candidate and a last minute entry to the race. During an All-candidates meeting at Thornhill, he showed that he is a crowd pleaser who has yet to review his election platform.


Partap Dua:2006年的市长竞选中,他以4912张得票排名第22010年的市长竞选尽管总投票数有所增加,但他的得票却降至3909张,排名也滑至第3。有些人认为他是傲慢的知识分子。他提供的市府统计数据和浪费的金钱数量令人印象深刻,但他并没有提出任何具体的补救措施。

Partap Dua:  A candidate who came in 2nd in 2006 with 4912 votes, he dropped to 3909 votes in 2010 and 3rd place even as the total vote counts increased. Some say he is an intellect with arrogant characteristics. He impressed the crowd with City statistics and amount of monies wasted but did not provide any concrete remedies.


Stephen Kotyck:2006年的市长竞选中,Stephen3195张得票排名第3;在2010年的市长竞选中,他以5566张得票排名第2Stephen曾参与体育馆辩论,他驳斥严重夸大的经济效益数据,和指出导致有关逾800个全职职位的直接就业数据失真的来源,赢得了居民的高分。Stephen的政纲包括三个部分:(1)透明度,(2)可以在市议员任职期间通过公民投票罢免其议员身份,(3)将任期限制在8年。

Stephen Kotyck: Stephen came from 3195 (3rd place) in 2006 to 5566 votes (2nd place) in 2010. Stephen was involved in the Arena debate and scored high marks with the residents when he disputed the grossly inflated economic benefit numbers and located the source of the distortion for the direct Employment figure of over 800 full time jobs. Stephen provided a platform of 3 items: (1)Transparency, (2)Referendum on recall of Council members, and (3)Limiting terms to 8 years.


Frank Scarpitti:现任市长,经验丰富的沙场老将,他拥有许多优势。但是众所周知,Frank想要成为约克区的区议会主席,并且竞选这一位置的日子指日可待。如果他上任数月后就离职,那此次市长竞选很可能就是浪费纳税人的金钱。因为只有在临近4年任期结束时,才会启动无需竞选的自动替代程序。如果进入市议会的新面孔无法让他获得像过去任期一样的多数优势,那他就无法推进自己的议程。

Frank Scarpitti: A seasoned veteran and incumbent, Frank has many advantages. However, it is well known that he wants to become Regional Chairman for York Region and that election is just around the corner. This Mayoral election may well be a waste of taxpayers’ money if he leaves only after a few months on the job. The automatic procedure to replace him without election will only kick in if it is close to the end of the 4 year term. If the new faces coming into Council do not provide him with his majority in Council like the term just passed, he will not be able to dictate his agenda.



James Treacy:2006第四选区的选举中他得到830票,在八名候选人中排名第四。有关他的唯一可用的资料就是曾在20117月就当地报纸(《经济学家与太阳》)发表的一篇有关当时的万锦镇花费大约300万元升级网站的文章写信发表自己的看法。他承诺会在一个任期内纠正市府的浪费及其他问题,并誓言失败后退出政坛。

James Treacy: He was 4th out of 8 candidates when he ran in Ward#4 in 2006 with 830 votes. The only information available on him is a letter in July of 2011 written by him in reaction to an article in the local paper (Economist and Sun) about the 3 million dollars web site upgrade by the then Town of Markham. He promised a one term office to correct the City’s wastes and problems and vowed not to run again after that.



At the all-candidates meeting on Sept 18, I posed this question to the Mayor:



It is my understanding that this year is the last time that York Region will choose its Chairman amongst its 21 members. Are you going to serve us as Mayor in Markham for the next 4 years or is this election just a prerequisite for your next career move to Regional Chair position and waste the taxpayer's money for another by-election?



I was not satisfied with yet another illusive answer from this seasoned politician. 



A Mayor’s position should be one to work with the Council members and not dictating or negotiating and keeping details of projects in secrecy till the last moment. There should be continuing consultations with the Council members on all affairs and spreading the involvement and participation to them through organized working committees..



Many felt that “familiarity breeds contempt” and that new blood is needed for this position in Markham. We will find out if they will express that opinion at the ballot boxes on Oct 27, 2014.




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