

Meet the mayoral Candidates -- Markham Municipal Election 2014 (IV)
来源: Bob Mok

随着多伦多市长选举进入白热化,将于1027日举行的万锦市政选举也进入冲刺阶段。《大中报》开辟Bob Mok撰写的专栏,以分析万锦市的选举议题和介绍(区域和选区)议员及万锦市长的候选人。我们希望通过他的专栏和文章让读者更好地了解都市政容,也以期帮助选民们在投票箱中投出明智的一票。

Markham municipal election -- which falls on Oct. 27, has entered its final stretch as Toronto mayoral race is heating up. Chinese News will run a column by Bob Mok, which identifies Markham election issues and introduces councillorand mayoral candidates.  We hope his column and articles will shed light on municipal politics and help voters to make the right choices.


Mok has actively participated in Markham municipal politicsover the past few years.He started with fighting against the Citys Arena proposal using public funding, and was instrumental in its ultimate demise.  His presence at Council and Committee meetings and his deputations have helped curb wastes and increase the Citys transparency.  





Synopsis (Ward#4):


最初该选区有五名候选人,但是随着Phil Richardson退出竞选,第四选区还剩下三名新秀候选人和一名现任市议员。Richardson也是唯一一位退出万锦市选的候选人。

Originally, there were 5 candidates. Phil Richardson withdrew from the race and was the only one to do so anywhere in Markham. This leaves 3 rookie candidates and one incumbent councillor.



Carolina has to “ward off” 3 rookies and one of them has a very strong mind and spirit. The residents are very restless this time around, and the winds for change are blowing strong in the air.



Ward#4 Issues:



There are many, of course. Let’s look at one of the more significant ones below:


当局计划关闭Morgan Park的棒球场令该选区居民感到惊讶和愤怒。这个公园是万锦市历史最悠久的公园之一,是许多居民的休闲地。市府对此并没有给出合理的理由,只是称其正在Cornell建造一个“钻石球场”。和大多数项目一样,当局事先并未就此征求居民意见,而只是通知他们一声而已。

Residents across the Ward have expressed surprise and outrage that the baseball diamond in Morgan Park is slated to close. This park, one of the oldest in Markham, is used by a great many residents. No logical reason has been given by the City except that we are building a “state of the art diamond” in Cornell. Like most projects residents are not asked but rather told what is going to be done.



Morgan Park的棒球场早在1968年引入男子棒球联盟,和1972年成立女子慢速棒球联盟前就已经存在。其现在是万锦市棒球协会(儿童联盟)的大本营。Morgan Park是老万锦村的地标建筑,当局理应重振其棒球场,而不是将其关闭。

The baseball diamond has been in existence from before 1968 when the men’s league was introduced and in 1972 the women’s slow pitch league was formed. It is now home for the Markham District Baseball Association (children’s league). Morgan Park is a landmark of old Markham village and the baseball diamond should be part of the revitalization and not be removed from the grounds.



Residents want the City to provide more playground equipment, enlarge the pool, and re-fit the diamond.



Ward#4 Candidates:


Steven McLeod: 身为专业会计师的新秀候选人。他在自己的网站上声称如果能够当选,其会成为“唯一一个”为选民工作的全职市议员。我们可以拭目以待他在当选后是否真的会辞职兑现这一承诺。其他有关这位候选人的信息并不多。

Steven McLeod: A Rookie candidate and a professional accountant. He claimed on his web site to become the “only” full-time councillor to work on his electorates’ behalf if elected. Let’s see if he retires from his current job and fulfill that promise if elected. There is not a lot of information available on this candidate.


Carolina Moretti:现任市议员,在2006年和2010年的市选中分别以3049票和4803票胜出。在投身政坛前她曾担任Frank Scarpitti 市长的行政主管。她一直支持使用公帑建造体育馆,直到市议会经过三晚辩论将这一提议推翻。

Carolina Moretti: An incumbent who won in both 2006 and 2010 with 3049 and 4803 votes. She was an Executive Administrator for Mayor Frank Scarpitti before she entered politics. She consistently voted for the building of the Arena using public funds until after the 3 nights of deputations that led to its demise.


Karen Rea:新秀候选人,强烈反对体育馆项目。在过去几年她几乎参加了所有的市议会及委员会会议。因此,她对万锦市面临的问题了如指掌,并常常代表居民在市议会及委员会会议上发声。

Karen Rea: A Rookie candidate and a strong and vocal opponent to the Arena project. She started attending City Council and Committee meetings for the past few years and rarely missed one. As such, she is familiar with all of the Markham issues and voiced the residents’ concerns in Council and Committee meetings.


Neil Thomas:又一名新秀候选人。Neil拥有军事和工程背景。他在自己的公共资料中列举出一些关注焦点和可衡量目标。他主张禁止公司和工会捐款赞助市政选举活动。

Neil Thomas: Another rookie candidate. Neil has military and engineering background. Neil listed some focused objectives with measureable goals in his public profile. He is advocating the ban of Corporation and Union donations to Municipal campaigns







Synopsis (Ward#5):



Whenever Ward#5 is mentioned, the “Mosque” is also mentioned. This is an ongoing issue that seems to be lingering on since the last election.



A Mosque relocation promise was made by the incumbent councillor during the last election (2010). It did not happen.


现任市议员Colin Campbell是一名消防队员,他在过去这个任期的中途从全职工作岗位退休。在2012年他被认为是考勤记录最糟糕的市议员。

The incumbent Colin Campbell, a firefighter who retired from his full-time job half way through his past term. He was identified as the Councillor with the worst attendance record in 2012.


目前第五选区有五位候选人,其中只有一位有华裔(Compass Chung)。

There are now 5 candidates running in Ward#5. Only 1 candidate is of Chinese heritage (Compass Chung).



Like Ward#4, residents are looking for changes.



Ward#5 Issues:



 In 2011, application for a 29000 sq foot mosque was approved on 16th avenue and Williamson. The original website for the Islamic Society stated capacity of 1600 worshippers, it was later stated it was a typo and would only hold 500 worshippers.



There were only 188 parking spots planned. The city was using an incorrect parking calculation (they used multiply instead of a divide sign).



MRRCP (Markham Residents for Responsible Community Planning) took the city to the OMB when the City tried to correct the calculation without doing a new updated parking study.



Eventually, the City agreed to do a new study, and as of today, we are still waiting to see the results.



Rumour has it that the City is trying to relocate the Mosque to a more suitable location with adequate room for parking. The indirect loss to public funds through concessions made by the City for this scheme has yet to be determined.



Ward#5 Candidates:


Colin Campbell:这位现任市议员将对抗四位新秀候选人。当选民走向投票箱时,许多人都会想起未曾兑现的“清真寺”承诺和其他屈指可数的成就。他们将不得不选择其他合格的候选人,寄希望于他们在此次竞选中许下的承诺。

Colin Campbell: This incumbent will be up against 4 rookie candidates. When the electorates walk up to the ballot box, many will remember the broken promise on the “Mosque” and only few other accomplishments. They will have to take on one of the other available candidates and their promises this time around.


Compass Chung:居住在该选区的新秀候选人。他从工商管理专业毕业后就开设了自己的IT咨询公司。他的大部分计划都是针对企业,并不一定涵盖普通居民的大部分要求。

Compass Chung: A rookie candidate living in the ward. He started his own IT consulting firm after graduation in Business Administration.  Most of his plans are business oriented and do not necessarily encompass a majority of the demands made by the average resident.


John Egsgard:另一名新秀候选人。John拥有律师背景,和他的兄弟合办了一个企业。他的政纲比较实际,是居民会喜欢的那种,其中涉及到市议会的透明度,和解决第五选区的地方问题。

John Egsgard: John is also another Rookie Candidate. He has a paralegal background and runs a business with his brother. His platform is down to earth and the kind that residents would love – transparency in Council and addressing local ward#5 issues.


Siva Sivagnanam:除了知道他是一名房地产经纪人,其他有关这位新秀候选人的信息很少。有关他的网站或资料都无从寻找。鉴于眼下竞选已经进入冲刺阶段,这通常意味着候选人并不是非常认真地竞逐这个职位。

Siva Sivagnanam: Very little information is available for this rookie other than the fact that he is a realtor. No web site or profile can be found. At this stage of the races, this typically means that the candidate is not very serious about pursuing this post.


Raj Subramaniam: Raj 是一位尽职的工程师,他拥有一支强大的志愿者团队。在过去几个月里,他的团队一直致力于参与环境清理及其他社区工作。但是他拒绝在当选后立即辞去全职工作,可能会令他流失一些选票。

Raj Subramaniam: Raj is an engineer with dedication and he has a great volunteer team. Over the last months, his team was involved in environmental clean-ups and other community work.  His refusal to quit work full-time immediately if elected may cost him some votes.



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