

Meet the mayoral Candidates -- Markham Municipal Election 2014 (VI)


随着多伦多市长选举进入白热化,将于1027日举行的万锦市政选举也进入冲刺阶段。《大中报》开辟Bob Mok撰写的专栏,以分析万锦市的选举议题和介绍(区域和选区)议员及万锦市长的候选人。我们希望通过他的专栏和文章让读者更好地了解都市政容,也以期帮助选民们在投票箱中投出明智的一票。

Markham municipal election -- which falls on Oct. 27, has entered its final stretch as Toronto mayoral race is heating up. Chinese News will run a column by Bob Mok, which identifies Markham election issues and introduces councillorand mayoral candidates.  We hope his column and articles will shed light on municipal politics and help voters to make the right choices.

Mok has actively participated in Markham municipal politicsover the past few years.He started with fighting against the City’s Arena proposal using public funding, and was instrumental in its ultimate demise.  His presence at Council and Committee meetings and his deputations have helped curb wastes and increase the City's transparency. 


The attached Ward map outlines the boundaries of each Ward in Markham. We will post this up for each article under our Markham election series to assist our readers to identify their Ward number based on their home addresses.





Synopsis (Ward#7):



The candidates list reflects the demographics in this ward. Predominantly, the population comprises of peoples of Tamil and Pakistani heritage.



There are 5 candidates and only 2 are serious frontrunners. These two have municipal election experiences and are well-known in their communities.  The rest (3 of them) are rookies.




Ward#7 Issues:



One of the issues described by some residents has to do with a TTC bus route:


TTC53 E路车往北上McCowan大道,然后向东转弯上Elson街。这条公交线虽然号称“临时线路”,却从1994年起就开始运行了。北边远在HighGlen大道的居民也得使用这条公交线进入城里。

The TTC has operated a 53E service which goes north on McCowan Avenue and then loops East on Elson Street. This service though classified as “temporary” but has been in existence since 1994 and people from as far north as HighGlen Avenue have been using it to get down town.



2013年夏,公交站上贴出告示,指这路车将在201391日改变线路,53E路车将在Steeles大道上来回行驶,Elson loop一段完全取消。这本来应该是一个试点,运行6个月后应该重新评估,可是看起来直到现在都一直未变。


In the summer of 2013, signs were pasted onto bus stops that this service was to be changed on September 1, 2013 and the 53E service would now travel down Steeles Avenue and back, completely eliminating the Elson loop. This was supposedly a pilot project which would be reviewed after 6 months but seemed to have over-extended its existence.





Kids now have to walk over a km to the bus stop, no easy feat in winter. There is no equivalent YRT service.





Apparently a large number of the ward residents contacted the incumbent councillor’s office. Eventually, a newsletter in May was sent out saying that he had tried to talk to the TTC but it was beyond the scope of his powers.





At the Seneca all-candidate meeting, the incumbent was boasting how he worked with Toronto on the widening of Steeles Avenue, but on this issue he now claimed that this was a York Regional issue and he could do nothing about it.




Ward#7 Candidates:


Logan Kanapathi: 他是在任市议员,在2013年的Arena投票上“出尔反尔”。当时他忽然改变主意,在市议会上投下决定性的一票,出乎所有人的意料,使得财政框架得以保留。

Logan Kanapathi: This incumbentwas best known as the “flipper” on the Arena vote in early 2013 when he changed his mind and kept the financial framework alive when he casted the deciding vote in Council, to the surprise of everyone.





Logan won in 2006 with 3088 votes and increased that to 4027 votes (36.2% of all votes) in 2010.





He is currently contemplating a nomination as a Federal Liberal candidate for a riding in Scarborough. This is giving his major opponents some ammunition to use in this election, hinting that a by-election will be necessary if he gets the nomination, effectively wasting tax dollars for this contest.



Vasu Murugesu: 一位选战新手,本身是地产经纪。他的网站上没有说到任何具体的竞选纲领和政策。他重点关注的事务中包括提高教育质量,以及为居民创造一个安全可靠的环境。他也关注提高社区的总体健康水平,以参加运动来改善健康。看起来他想撼动现任议员会很艰难。


Vasu Murugesu: A rookie candidate and a realtor. His web site does not spell out any specific platform or solutions. Among his primary concerns is improving the quality of education and create a safe and secure environment for the residents. He is also concerned about improving the overall health of the community and wants to nurture their health by being active. This is an uphill battle to unseat the incumbent by the looks of it.



Sothy Sella: 这位商人也是个参选新手。他参选的优先考虑是把物业税保持在低水平,以及解决交通拥堵。这与一些居民的共同愿望是一致的。不过要赶超本选区两位有经验的参选者并非易事。

Sothy Sella:  This businessman is a rookie candidate.His election priorities to keep property tax low and to resolve traffic gridlock are in agreement with some of the common wishes of residents. However, it is not easy to get ahead of two experienced front runners in this ward.



Shusmita sharma: 她是一位新手,其网站和社交网页上找不到任何职业及教育背景。她宣称积极参与过多家医院的筹款活动。如果仔细看她的网站,她的竞选平台看上去背离常规。

Shusmita Sharma: A rookie candidate with no professional or academic background given on her web site or social network page. She claimed to have been heavily involved in fundraising for a number of Hospitals. Her platform seemed to be off-track from traditional ones when one examines her web site.



Khalid Usman:这位候选人显然对竞选很熟悉。2006年之前他就当过市议员。2006年他参加地区议会的竞选,结果得到第六名(只有进入前四名才算胜利)。他在2010年参加了第六选区的市议员竞选,不过仅获1413票,排名第四。


Khalid Usman: This candidate is certainly familiar with campaigns. Hewas a sitting councillor prior to 2006. In 2006, he tried for Regional Councillor and came in 6th (only the first 4 candidates were selected as winners).  He tried for the Councillor race in 2010 under the old ward 6 and came 4th with only 1413 votes.



Usman is a good friend of the current Mayor and Chairman of the “Committee of Adjustment” dealing with requests seeking relief from requirements of By-laws. He is also a vocal defender of the proposed Arena using public funds over the last few years. He is considered a front runner along with the incumbent this time around.






Synopsis (Ward#8):



There are 5 candidates running in Ward#8, 2 of the Candidates are of Chinese heritage. 3 of the contestants are rookies.



Everyone is asking the question: Will the incumbent be unseated this year?


现任议员赵善江于1985年进入万景市议会,已经在这个位置上做了几十年了。很多人怀疑他在议会或者委员会开会时发呆或者打瞌睡。如果会议持续到超过午夜,他就会和Gord Landon等人一起早退。

First elected to Markham Council in 1985, Chiu had been around for decades. Many suspect he was either meditating or sleeping during Council and committee meetings and he retired (left) early with others like Gord Landon when the meetings ran past the midnight hours.


李信杏在过去曾经两次竞选该选区,但今年转战地区议会选举。如此,她的1700票将由两位新候选人古文琳和李思韵来争夺。Joseph Remisiar也将拿到更多选票,给赵善江一个冲击。

Ivy Lee who was running in this Ward in the last 2 elections switched over to Regional and that leaves her 1700 votes out for two new candidates Miriam Ku and Isa Lee to capture. Joseph Remisiar can also pick up more votes this time and give Chiu a run for his money.



Ward#8 Issues:



Some items immediately come to mind – Frequent Flooding due to poor sewer system, and the looming and secretive International Trade Centre development.



Business district flooding:



The business district located north of Steeles and Woodbine and east of the 404 has flooded for many times in the past.


水淹的罪魁是一条叫Don Channel的小河,从多伦多北边向北流入万景市。这一区域地势低洼、平坦,每到暴雨时这条小河以及涵洞无法应付下雨带来的水量,致使水流倒灌进停车场以及建筑物内。

The culprit is a small stream called the Don Channel which flows north into Markham from north Toronto. The area is low and flat and when heavy rains occur the stream channel and culverts cannot cope with the amount of storm water, and floodwater backs up into parking lots and buildings.



Business district owners describe water rising in the parking lot until the doors to their establishments give way under the force and pressure. The Mayfair Racquet Club which described a 6 foot wave of storm water sweeping through its lower level on August 19, 2005, causing staff to have to hurry clients and their children to safety.



The same August 19th 2005 storm flooded hundreds of homes in Thornhill, causing residents to demand the City upgrade their old storm sewers from the small pipes which could only handle a storm which occurs on average once every 2 years to larger pipes which can handle a storm which occurs on average once every 100 years, which is the level of protection all areas built since 1978 have, a standard which is already 38 years old. They also won city-wide funding instead of homeowners having to pay $5-10,000 per home to fix the city's storm sewers themselves.


直到漫漫9年后的20147月,排水系统升级工程才破土动工。整个项目计划进行30年,在万景市范围内按照先后顺序开始升级排水系统,这个顺序是按照被淹的风险来定的。在Thornhill居民区之后,第二个最危险的地区就是Don Channel商业区了。不幸的是这一地区仅会升级到5年保护的水平,而在气候不断变化、预计会有更多暴雨的情况下,这很难称得上是什么改善。

All this took 9 long years before shovels finally hit the ground in July 2014. This was the start of a 30 year program which will upgrade older storm sewers right across Markham in priority order, ranked according to risk. After Thornhill residential the next most at risk area and second priority is the Don Channel Business District. Unfortunately this area will be upgraded to the 5 year level of protection only, which with continued climate change and heavier storms expected will barely be any improvement at all.



On Sunday July 27th and Friday August 1st, 2014 the area was flooded twice in one week. For one business owner it was the sixth time in the last 10 years. Mayor Scarpitti has served 25 years on Markham Council, Ward 8 councillor, Alex Chiu has served 29 years, yet in all that time neither has taken the initiative to stop this flooding problem. 




Ward#8 Candidates:



Alex Chiu: Although only getting 3400 votes both times in 2006 and 2010, it is not easy for others to dethrone the incumbent. As with other wards, the wind of change is blowing hard after the Arena fiasco over the last few years. After so many years in the system, one must also be aware that “Familiarity breeds contempt” when it comes to election time and voters attitudes. Alex does not offer anything exciting to the voters on his Newspaper profile or web site.


赵善江一直支持使用公款建设Arena,直到最后却忽然和另一些人一起改了主意。他最大的挑战是在2010年得票第二的Joseph Ramisiar

Alex supported the use of public funds to build the Arena until the very end when he switched with the others. His biggest threat comes from Joseph Ramisiar who came second in 2010.


Peter Deboran: 一位新手,大多地区公立教育系统的一位副校长。Peter在他的网站上列出了多项议题,涵盖了一般选民关心的所有问题。这也意味着他需要精简自己的政纲,选出侧重点,因为一个人能许诺的只有这些,要想全部兑现所有承诺是困难的。

Peter Deboran:  A rookie candidate and a Vice-principal of a public school board in the Greater Toronto Area, Peter listed many issues on his web site and they covered the entire spectrum of typical voter demands. This also means that he has to refine his priorities as there is only so much that one can promise and there will be difficulties in trying to fulfill all of these visions.



古文琳:尽管在这场选举中是个新手,古文琳却已经有四年市议会的工作经验。这其间她担任地区议员Joe Li的执行助理。她以前曾经担任过10年记者,报道政治和社区事务,这也为她加分。

Miriam Ku: Although a rookie in this election, Miriam had almost 4 years of experience inside City Hall working as the Executive Assistant for Regional Councillor Joe Li. Her prior experience as a Political and Community Journalistfor 10 yearsis also a valuable asset.



Miriam was the unsung heroine in the battle to defeat the use of public funds for Arena project. Through her tireless work with others, the secretive and risky Arena project was dumped.




Isa Lee: A rookie candidate with a broadcasting background, Isa had the “sudden urge” to come into an election. Like many other candidates, she was never involved in the local political landscape and possibly never went into the Council Chamber since she worked as an anchorperson in a local Chinese television station.



This will be a baptism by fire and a rude awakening for Isa.



Joseph Remisiar: 2010年的市选中他与赵善江竞争,得票2274居第二。这次他有机会取代赵善江。

Joseph Remisiar: Joseph received 2274 votes last time (2010) in Ward 8 against Alex Chiu and came second. He has the chance to replace Alex this time around.



Joseph offers very basic items to the voters and they are more tangible ones than Alex’s. However, politics is as difficult if not more so to predict as the stock market. Joseph will have to work hard to achieve his goals.





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