

What does it take for heritage candidates to win an election?
来源: Bob Mok

尽管在最近的万锦市选中,华裔参选人数量创下纪录,但最终,许多欲在市议会上赢得一席之地的参选者都不幸铩羽而归。Bob Mok指出,族裔候选人必须设法赢得非族裔选民的民心,走出族裔社区而另辟蹊径。

Despite a record number of Chinese candidates trying to run for municipal office, many failed to win a council seat in the recent Markham election. As Bob Mok writes, heritage candidates must reach out to voters who do not vote along the heritage line.


The municipal elections are over now and not too many non-incumbent candidates with Chinese heritage were elected. Incumbents have the advantage of having a performance record, people and business connections, and name recognition in the media, so they are not within the scope of this discussion.


It is now time to reflect on the reasons why the results were so dismal for Chinese heritage candidates trying to unseat or replace incumbents, lessons learned by them to improve if they try again four years hence and to prepare for any by-elections that may take place between now and then.



Early on, I talked about my underestimation of “Star Power” and “Profession Power” in another article. As a statistician, I must now also address the “numbers” game. Unless the election is held in an enclave with a dominating 50% majority of a certain heritage group with enthusiastic voting members, the hope of winning strictly based on the “Heritage” vote is doomed to fail.


Typically, less than 40% of voters will vote in a municipal election. Under the scenario above, a maximum of 30% total votes can be garnered from heritage votes by “Heritage Candidates” and that has to be shared amongst all of them. And this is under ideal conditions where “everyone” from the group comes out to vote. Traditionally, tribal or heritage voters tend not to participate in elections and this further diminishes the vote totals. The bottom line? Candidates must get votes from outside of their own heritage groups where people do not vote along heritage lines but instead vote for the best candidates.



What would you rather have - a Council full of mediocre councillors many of whom can barely understand and speak English or a Council full of best candidates, no matter which heritage group they come from, who have mastered the English language so they understand and can communicate well in English. Which of these two Councils would you trust with your tax dollars, would best understand the issues and would know which way to vote in your best interests?  So let's take a look at what it takes to be a "best" candidate. What is the formula for success?


Well there's no one formula but there are a lot of positives which point the way to success. Keep in mind councillor is a political position in local government, .dealing with a myriad of different issues. With that in mind here are a few political pointers:


INTEGRITY - candidates are expected to be truthful, honest and law-abiding. One candidate was defeated on this most important of issues. Don't fudge or exaggerate your credentials. It's too easy to check and for you to be discredited without you even knowing about it. 





·         Involvement in a Local Ratepayers' Association with demonstrated activities and achievements (not just holding a title)


·         Participation in activities driven by political issues –(Examples from the past) Letter to the Editor on the Arena, attend a meeting on a casino  forum, engage in online commentary.


  • Attend Council and committee meetings at City Hall, read the agendas, become familiar with the issues and make deputations on issues affecting residents and businesses.


  • Organize residents or join committees to work on issues or affect their resolution.


·         Develop an understanding of the municipalworld; learn the difference between local and regional municipalities, their different responsibilities and issues.



·         Practise public speaking, with different audiences. Develop confidence in your ability to speak clearly without hesitation and eventually without notes. Hold your head high it helps to project your voice. Avoid burying your face in your notes or speech and mumbling.




·         Try to make a name for yourself, get yourself known. Attend as many meetings across the Ward or City as you can. They all take place in the evenings. Introduce yourself around. Photographs at dinners and banquets with well-known politicians and celebrities who can't vote for you fool no one. Spend your time talking to people who can vote you into office.





在大多数情况下,这种准备 工作需要花费数年时间,如果你很有天赋,那可能需要2-3年时间;如果 你不够幸运,那可能需要6-8年或是更长时间。这很像是一个学徒,需要奉献精神和毅力。不要指望自己在选举日之前突然名声大噪并当选,只有很少人有这种运气。

In most cases this kind of preparation takes years, 2-3 if you are extremely talented, 6-8 or more if you are not so lucky. It's very much like an apprenticeship and it takes dedication and perseverance. Don't expect to come out of the woodwork in the lead-up to Election Day and get elected. Very few people have that kind of luck.


A major factor revealed in the recent municipal election in Markham was the ability/inability to communicate to voters. The candidates must articulate their ideas and thoughts in English when answering questions, not just read from a prepared speech or answers. Prepared answers are never effective and typically lack flexibility. Some candidates actually did very poorly even with the simple task of reading from a prepared sheet. The effective demonstration of linguistic skills is essential if one wants to reach out to voters, especially those outside of the tribal/heritage voting circle.



Even after doing all the necessary preparation, the combinations of candidates can stilllead to ruin and failure for a diligent, knowledgeable, and communicative candidate. Tribal/Heritage vote splitting due to multiple candidates competing for the same available pool of voters can do that easily. Gender, believe it or not, can also play a role in who is getting elected. As stated earlier, “Star Power” and “Profession Power” will definitely help but they are not the main factors as was evidenced in the recent Markham Municipal Election.


To the opportunists who ran in this election, please wake up and do some homework and preparation. You say you are dedicated, prove it. Without getting any votes beyond the tribal/heritage pool, you are doomed to failure. Coming close is just not good enough, when you cannot go any further.


The final vote count is the best proof and reward for a dedicated andwell-prepared candidate.




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