

What One Drunk May Cost You – Advice on Creating a Safer Holiday Party
来源: Robert Durante, Oatley Vigmond personal injury law firm

随着圣诞临近,假日派对也接踵而至。但是假日悲剧的主要罪魁祸首——醉酒驾驶的肇事者需要承担法律后果。Oatley Vigmond律师事务所的人身伤害律师杜朗蒂建议人们不要在派对喝酒狂欢后驾车回家。

Holiday Parties abound as Christmas nears. But impaired driving, which is the leading cause of holiday tragedies, bears legal consequences. Robert Durante, a personal injury lawyer at Oatley Vigmond advises not to drive away from a party intoxicated.


This is always a fun time of year with plenty of food, friends, and often open bars provided by friends and employers. That was certainly the case a few years back when a woman became drunk at her office Christmas party, drove home in a storm and was involved in a horrific crash that rendered her brain-injured and totally disabled.  Her name was Linda and she worked at a real estate brokerage in Barrie.

If you have lived in Ontario over the past 10 years then chances are you have heard of the case because it attracted national media coverage.   Most of the coverage was negative, suggesting that a “drunk driver” should be held accountable for her actions. People could not understand how a person could sue her employer for becoming drunk at an office party and then injuring herself in a car crash? 


What was missing from the coverage was the fact that Linda was a receptionist and was working during the office party, which started in the afternoon. Her boss allowed workers to consume alcohol in the workplace, without any control or oversight. They had a casual self-serve open bar scenario. Other employees noticed Linda had too much to drink before she left in her vehicle, yet her boss thought she seemed fine. 


The Judge ultimately found in Linda’s favour, however, he also found that she was 75 per cent responsible for her own actions. In other words, she would only recover 25 per cent of her damages as determined by the trial Judge.  The case settled after the Court of Appeal ordered a new trial on the basis that the Judge erred in discharging the jury from the case.



The case highlighted the centuries old legal doctrine that “an employer has a duty to keep employees safe in the work place”. This century old principle is what Linda’s case was about. Once an employer introduces alcohol into the workplace, then they better have a system in place to ensure that employees do not drive home impaired and injure themselves or injure someone else.  




The lesson learned from Linda’s case is that office parties should be held in a safe environment, especially if the employer has an open bar.  How do you make them safe as an employer?  That’s simple, hire professional staff to serve alcohol and hold your party at a place that is in the business of hosting parties. If you offer an open bar at a holiday party, take the extra step and provide free taxi vouchers to every single employee. There is no reason to drink and drive, especially if everyone has free access to a taxi ride home. 



Drinking and driving is a persistent social problem that may never be completely eradicated. Employers, in light of their special “master and servant” relationship with their employees must do their part in protecting their employees and the public if they are going to introduce alcohol into the workplace. 


作者简介:杜朗蒂(Robert Durante)是Oatley Vigmond人身伤害律师事务所的合伙人。他致力于为严重受伤的客户和因为疏忽而失去亲人的家人辩护。他也注重于事故赔偿索赔、伤残索赔和产品责任索赔。


Source: Robert Durante is a partner at Oatley Vigmond personal injury law firm. Rob advocates for seriously injured clients and for families who have lost a loved one due to negligence. He also focuses on accident benefits claims, disability claims and product liability claims.




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