
唐人街Dollar Mart 出售违规杀虫剂遭罚款

Chinatown Dollar Mart fined for selling unregistered pesticides
来源: 大中特约记者 Catherine Machado
Pest control products sit on the shelves with two possible fates: to be a saving grace to our gardens or to be a pest in themselves.
There are plenty of risks when using pesticides. This means that both retailers and consumers should tread with extra caution when sellingor using these products. Though this is common knowledge, it isn’t always common practice. 

Pesticides must be federally registered and provincially classified into different classes before they can be sold or used in Ontario. Vendors selling some types of pesticides need license.  Vendors’ violations may lead to penalties and fines.

在去年年初,位于多伦多唐人街的Dollar Mart因为经销一种未经加拿大政府批准的“‘Senior White Insecticide”杀虫剂,被处以$4,000元罚款。
Earlier this year the Dollar Mart located in Toronto’s China Town was fined $4,000 for distributing apesticide “‘Senior White Insecticide”which is not registered as prescribed for sale in Canada.
Murray Stevenson, the regional pesticide officer for Health Canada, said that this particular violation proved to be more common in small “dollar type” stores.
“The large box stores - like Home Depot, Costco, WalMart- certainly they have regulatory managers that it’s their full-time job to make sure they are selling compliant products (to Health Canada’s standards),” said Stevenson.
Stevenson found that this type of system was not present at the “dollar type” stores making unregistered products more common.He found the cause of violation largely attributed to an ignorance to the regulations set.
Being ignorant towards product safety requirements proves a threat for both retailer and customer – a problem that Stevenson said is best solved with knowledge.
He credited consumers with having some awareness of product safety but noted that “pest control products are a bit unusual and unique.”
With this in mind consumers are advised to shop with extra caution at the smaller stores where less regulated products typically reside.

Dollar Mart的违规行为在2012年全省范围内实施的一项计划中遭曝光。该项为期一年名为“未经批准国际杀虫剂计划”,旨在搜寻“一元”店中出售的未经批准的杀虫剂产品。
The violation was discovered through a province-wide program that sought out these “dollar type” stores for unregistered pesticide products. The one-year program titled ‘Unregistered International Pesticides Program’ took place in 2012.
He said that the program provided retailers who offended the act with the necessaryinformation to sell these products at Health Canada’s standard.

Though the product’s label indicated it was made in China, Stevenson could not confirm whether it was imported from China.
在被问及是否还有其他商家销售这种名为“‘Senior White Insecticide”的杀虫剂时,史蒂文森告诉我只有Dollar Mart发现过这种产品。
When asked if other merchants carried this pesticide, titled ‘Senior White Insecticide’,Stevenson told me that it was only found at Dollar Mart.
But he said this violation was common amongstsmall stores throughout province.
When found, the pesticidewas without any safety warnings or a Pest Control Product (PCP) number.Stevenson said that these are tell-tales signs that the product is unregistered.
What was provided on the label was that the product was to be used for moth control. Stevenson said not much more information was offered – a common trait with unregistered products.
He said that unregistered pesticides are often found with little to no information provided on the label to ensure safety or full product knowledge for the consumer.
The laws on pesticide vary drastically throughout the world making the regulations susceptible to violation in Toronto’s diverse environment.
Though this speculation provides an explanation for the violations, it doesn’t alleviate concern. Pesticidesin general can take on the fate of friend or foe but a label without warning ultimately leaves the consumer in the dark.



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