

Mould, rent and dispute


Ms. Zhang had a rent dispute with her apartment landlord, which has led to a poor record in her credit file.  Because of this record, her mortgage loan was rejected by a major bank, and she was forced to seek alternative loan with higher interest rate.


The issue? Mould in the apartment.


In 2006, Zhang moved to an apartment building in Toronto with her 10 year old son. In 2008, Zhang found mould in her apartment.


Toxic mould damages air quality, and can even cause serious health problems. According to Zhang, she quickly reported the problem to the landlord, but the problem didn’t get fixed. Worrying about the health implication on her son, Zhang wrote to her landlord in August of2008, in which she said she hoped to move out in September due to the ongoing problems.


“The landlord just ignored my repeated requests… I had no choice but to move out,” said Zhang.


Zhang moved out of the unit in September after sending a written letter to the landlord in July.


She assumed that the letter, which stated that she hoped to move out in September, would serve as a valid notice.  But she never expected that this letter has led to a further dispute with the landlord down the road, which eventually left her grappling with bad credit issues.


“They never addressed the mould problem that I had raised repeatedly with them… At the time when we moved out, the housing conditions were very harmful and the apartment was unsafe to live in… We were basically forced to move out,” said Zhang.


Zhang was shocked when she received the landlord’s response to her letter.  Putting the mould issues aside, the landlord informed that her July letter wasn’t accepted as a proper 60-day notice. They nitpicked on the word “hope” she used in the letter, saying it did not specify her decision to move out.


The landlord further told her she would be held responsible for the two months’ rent.


As Zhang refused to pay for the rent requested, the landlord handed her balance to a collection agency. In 2010, the collection agency contacted Equifax and put an unpaid balance of $1680 into Zhang’s credit report.


In 2013, Zhang was contacted by the collection agency, offering her $840 to settle the dispute.


But Zhang refused the offer. “It’s a deal I cannot accept… I did nothing wrong. Why should I pay the landlord who ignored my request to fix the mould problem?”


In fact, asking her landlord to clean the mould is a much more complicated process than what Zhang assumed. There are many reasons that can cause mould to grow. In some cases, it is the landlord’s responsibilities, whereas in others, it is caused by unhealthy living habits of the tenants.


Tenants can contact the Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board, seeking a mould cleaning order – which requests the landlord to fix the problem and make the unit “fit for habitation”. But they need to prove to the board that the mould is the responsibility of a landlord. A lot of evidence, more than just a picture of the mould, is required. To get such an order, tenants need to show that they’ve done everything on their part to try and eliminate the mould– including washing walls, opening windows, installing a dehumidifier and operating a fan.


It is unsurprising that without such an order, Zhang’s landlord has refused to take any actions. But had Zhang been aware of the above process, she might have taken a different approach to address the problem; she might have kept an impeccable credit record, or accepted the deal from the landlord.



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