

District energy system dictates energy price in Markham
来源: Bob Mok

万锦市一直使用中心控制的区域能源系统。但该中心能源系统也随之垄断了当地的能源市场。据Bob Mok披露,消费者被迫与区域能源商签署长期协议,而该协议任凭区域供应商在几十年中随意为能源费用定价。


Markham buildings have been using district energy system for power supply. But the centralized system has created a market monopoly. According to Bob Mok’s column, Markham customers are forced into a long-term agreement that allows the power supplier to dictate the energy price for decades.



http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/25157 (Article I)

http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/36970 (Article II)


We will now continue to focus on Markham District Energy (MDEI). MDEI and PowerStream (Electricity supplier) are both subsidiaries of Markham Enterprises Corporation (MEC), owned by the City of Markham. MDEI is owned by the City of Markham and PowerStream is jointly owned by the municipalities of Barrie, Markham and Vaughan.

我们在上一篇文章中已研究过每月固定容量收费 (FCC),我们可将其视作对管道,设备以及能源工厂的一部分的基建成本按揭还款。但是和按揭贷款不同的是,按揭贷款的本金是随着月还款额的增加而减少,而FCC收费实际上是基于CPI的复合年率不断增长。

When we looked at the monthly Fixed Capacity Charge (FCC) last time, we realized it as some kind of infrastructure cost mortgage payment for the pipes, the equipment as well as part of the energy plant. Unlike a mortgage where the principal reduces as monthly payments are made over the life of the agreement, the FCC actually increases and compounds annually based on the CPI.


A typical MDEI Condominium agreement will offer the customer two (2) renewal terms of ten (10) years each when the initial twenty (20) year agreement expires. At the renewals, the monthly Fixed Rate Chargeswill start all over again at the prevailing rates.


There is an escape clause within the agreement for the first “elected” Board of Directors of the Condominium Corporation to terminate the agreement within twelve (12) months of the turn-over meeting from the Developer without penalties. This is a requirement of the Ontario Condominium Act section#112. In reality, many of the Property Management Companies are subsidiaries of the Developers and they have no motivations to evaluate and recommend terminations to the new Board of Directors. The newly elected Board will not know of their rights to terminate and will not have capital monies in the reserved funds for termination (see below). They will also be pre-occupiedwith issues like building discrepancy audits upon the take-over of the Board from the developers. In effect, I found no termination cases ever since it is not feasible or practical to do so.


Why is it not feasible or practical?


The building is designed with much less space than needed to house a conventional heating and cooling plant. Where can that indoor space be created once the building is finished?


The supply of natural gas to the building may not be available since it was not needed by design. New gas lines may have to be installed under the street to supply gas to the building.


The capacity of the electrical supply has to be upgraded for a conventional equipment plant. This will involve the replacement of costly transformers and circuit breakers to meet safety standards.


How much money is needed for a conventional on-site boiler and chiller plant?For a typical two hundred unit high rise apartment, it was estimated to be about $600,000 of capital investment for original equipment, and $840,000 of operating expenses, preventive maintenance and repairs, as well as, complete life-cycle replacement of the boilers and chillers and associated equipment which would become necessary over the 20 year term of the agreement. Where would a Condominium Board find over half a million dollars within its reserved fund during the first year of operations?


Of course, these estimated numbers may be slightly bloated to boost the cost of a conventional on-site plant to justify the advantages of going to a District Energy system. The argument exists that the District Energy client avoids the risks and responsibilities of owning and operating its own plant for heating and cooling. In addition to that, it is emphasized that the District Energy system is environmentally friendly since it is supposedly releasing less Green House Gases (GHG) into our atmosphere.


So what are the immediate issues that will come to mind?


District Energy clients could be paying a lot more for an energy system over the life of the agreement.


They have no control over escalating monthly charges at renewal or commercial default of the energy supplier.


Unlike electricity power and gas suppliers, District Energy Enterprises are not regulated by the Provincial Government. This means that typically one local supplier will dictate the prices for all its clients! What if the District Energy Company goes into bankruptcy one day? I don’t even want to start thinking about the implications for that one.



Next time, we will talk about “metered” charges and energy equivalency conversion formulas and Green House Gases.



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