
加拿大皇家学院关闭 学生茫然

Royal Institute of Science and Management Shut Down by Ministry

在今年早期安省教育部关闭了GTA Everest 学院后,又一家私营职业学院,皇家学院遭到政府关闭。安省教育部于730日发布通知,取消该校的注册资格。据教育部通知,该校因提供未经许可的培训项目或未经许可更改培训课程而遭到政府取缔。

A few months after Ontario education watchdog shut down Everest College, a private training college in GTA, in February of this year, another private vocational school -- Royal Institute of Science and Management – was also closed by the Ministry. The notice issued by the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities on July 30 has revoked the registration of the school. According to the notice, the school violated government regulations by offering programs unapproved by the Ministry, and by making substantial changes to the programs unapproved by the Ministry.


The sudden closure leaves over 50 Chinese students scrambling. They were not aware of the closure until the day the notice was posted out. According to media reports, the school allegedly pushed students to pay tuition fees even the day before the notice came out. It is speculated that the total tuition collected reached as high as $500,000.




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