
进口食品安检: CFIA新规定如何影响消费者(一)

Exploring CFIA food inspection system (I)
来源: Bob Mok


The safety of imported food products from China is a growing concern for Canadian consumers, particularly those who frequently shop in the Chinese supermarkets. Amid public concerns, the CFIA has proposed to apply the "higher" licensing standards for imported fish products to other imported food products at the Chinese Supermarkets soon.

在本系列文章中,Bob Mok将评估CFIA食品检验法规的效用,并探讨提议的新规会如何影响消费者。

In this series of articles, Bob Mok will evaluate the efficiencies in CFIA’s food inspection regulations, and how the proposed regulations would affect consumers’ interest.


Very few people will know that before food items reach our retail stores, they have to go through a series of reporting and inspections with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). There are rules and regulations along with a registration procedure to protect the consumers from food contamination, and to exercise a recall when health issues are discovered.


The CFIA is a Canadian regulatory agency that was created in April 1997 by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act. CFIA has a mandate to safeguard food safety in Canada. The agency combined and integrated the related inspection services of three separate federal government departments: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and Health Canada.


CFIA constantly reminds food importers and brokers that they are responsible for ensuring that any food imported into Canada for sale is safe and meets Canadian requirements and regulations. All food products sold in Canada, whether domestic or imported, must comply with the Food and Drugs Act and Regulations, the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act and Regulations, and any other applicable acts and regulations.


Foods already legally sold in some countries may not actually meet Canadian requirements. In some cases, manufacturers may have specific formulations that meet Canadian requirement but it is still up to the importer/broker to make sure that they are compliant to Canadian Acts and Regulations above.


A specific set of rules is additionally applied to Fish and Seafood importers, derived out of the basic rules of import. In this series of articles, we will explore the current system of license granting and administration to see if there is room for improvement.


When we refer to Fish Products in this article, we are actually including any and all products derived from sea and river creatures. This includes fishes, invertebrates, and mollusks.


There is a whole industry devoted to dehydrated fish and mollusks in the Chinese Community. Abalone, Sea Cucumber, Sharks fin, and fish maw are the four representative products most cherished by Chinese consumers to re-vitalize their bodies year round.


The starting point for any importers is to secure a Business Number (BN). This is a 15 digit code similar to the HST business number but will have “RM” as part of the code to distinguish it for import/export use. This set business numbers has to come from the Canadian Border Services Agency and to be used on all customs documents.


After that, the importer can apply for a “Fish Import License”. Presumably, the applicant will have a Canadian Revenue Agency business number already. When submitting the application, the applicants are required to advise CFIA how they will meet the following regulatory requirements:


1)import products that are not tainted, decomposed or unwholesome and meet all Canadian regulatory requirements


2)store products in a way that prevents contamination and deterioration


3)track distribution of product you import including name and address of person to whom the applicant sold the fish and the date it was sold


4)track complaints and investigate information that the applicant receive which questions the safety of the product


5)obtain process control documents for canned and ready-to-eat products to be imported.


All of these requirements are simply handled by the reviewing of documentations. In other words, there are no mandatory audits or site visits to verify compliance before licenses are granted.


This system, in effect, is like granting a license to drive after a written test, eye examination, and payment of fees without requiring any road testing. Although required to be under some form of supervision, the driver is sent onto the road and asked to fend for himself. When an accident happens, he is pulled in for questioning and corrective actions. Is that not too late?


We will explore more of this system in our next article.



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