
进口食品安检: CFIA新规定如何影响消费者(三)

Exploring CFIA food inspection system (III)
来源: Bob Mok

The safety of imported food products from China is a growing concern for Canadian consumers, particularly those who frequently shop in the Chinese supermarkets. Amid public concerns, the CFIA has proposed to apply the "higher" licensing standards for imported fish products to other imported food products at the Chinese Supermarkets soon.

在本系列文章中,Bob Mok将评估CFIA食品检验法规的效用,并探讨提议的新规会如何影响消费者。
In this series of articles, Bob Mok will evaluate the efficiencies in CFIA’s food inspection regulations, and how the proposed regulations would affect consumers’ interest.

For the previous article in this series, please visit:


We focused on labeling difficulties in our last article. In this one, we will follow through with the import process and identify potential issues with the proposed system.


When the container of Fish products arrive in Canada at one of the sea ports (in all likelihood Vancouver), it will have to clear customs with the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA).  At that time, transaction numbers will be issued in accordance with the shipping manifest. From these transactions which represent line items of products from the shipping document, the importer must identify any “Fish Products” and fill out a “Fish Import Notification Form” within 48 hours and submit to CFIA who will determine if it wants to perform any inspections on a random basis. The CFIA determination is based on inspection with similar products and the compliance history of the Importer.


Currently, in a mix shipment of foodstuffs and fish products, regular non-fish items will be exempted from inspections. In future, this practice will change. Depending on the final rules and regulations, there would be items falling into certain classifications that will require inspections and notifications for CFIA to exercise that option. In other words, the importer fills out the notification and the items identified and required for inspection may or may not be inspected. Until a reply comes back from CFIA, the applicable items which may or may not turn into “selected for inspection” items cannot be physically removed from the Importer’s Warehouse.


Not only that, the items have to be segregated and placed into a “Holding area” unless a properly devised identification system is in place and all items are labelled to the extent that their “ON HOLD” status is clear and prominent. Now just imagine for a moment what kind of space and logistics nightmare it is for the importer to deal with without an oversized warehouse, a properly implemented identification system, and well-trained staff.


Inspection Arrangement must be made by the importer with the CFIA inspectors at a mutually agreed time and date. The importer’s staff must work with the CFIA inspectors during inspections. The inspectors may ask for samples for testing or ask for items to be placed “ON HOLD” pending further disposition. They may also reject items outright and request their destructions. In any event, all of these rejected items need to be identified and HELD by the importer.


If the importer fails to comply with these rules concerning timely notification for inspection, inspection co-ordinations, and quarantine procedures, then Corrective Actions may be raised against the importer.


What are Corrective Actions?


They are documents identifying a condition adverse to the well-being of the inspection system as perceived by CFIA. The Corrective Action comes in a written document requesting the importer to investigate and take corrective measures to prevent recurrence of the identified condition within a specified time frame.


In effect, the importer has to find out what is wrong (or why the discrepancy happened). Then, steps have to be taken to fix up the current situation. Furthermore, a system of changes will have to be devised and implemented (after approval by CFIA) to make sure similar conditions will not happen again in future.


For a trading merchant, these Corrective Action requests will be a challenge. Without any quality experts on staff, this can be quite an ordeal when complete forms are submitted and rejected on multiple rounds of submissions without get to the satisfactory answers.


We will continue to describe this process system for importing in our next article.



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