

Election 2015 : meet the heritage candidates in Ontario
来源: Bob Mok
尽管联邦大选已近在眼前,但三大主要政党目前仍旗鼓相当。Bob Mok在他的竞选专栏中详细介绍了三大政党的安省族裔候选人,即非加国出生的候选人之背景。
The three major parties remain tied in a three way race, as federal election is fast approaching. Bob Mok’s election column sheds light on the  heritage candidates of the three parties in Ontario– those who were born outside of Canada.

Please refer to an earlier article for this series of discussions -    http://096.ca/news/550866 , http://096.ca/news/558925 ,
http://096.ca/news/566559 , http://096.ca/news/567397 , and


Ontario is the province that will deliver the next Federal Government. It is also the most culturally diversified and presenting the most “Heritage” Candidates. Let us look at the tally of candidates of Muslim, Asian, and Chinese origin for this province. Once again, we are looking at major parties only and excluding all “Fringe” parties. Also, those who were Members of Parliament at one time or born in Canada are not included in the count.


Due to a lack of information available for some candidates on their place of birth, it is difficult for me to pin them down even with my best research efforts.


Heritage Candidates in Ontario (121 seats):
Conservatives – 14
Liberals – 21
NDP – 11

Chinese Candidates –



Arnold Chan (incumbent Scarborough-Agincourt – A lawyer born in Scarborough). This riding is amongst those with the highest proportion of Chinese population in Canada and a long time Liberal riding. Running against a Conservative Party rookie Bin Chang and another non-Chinese NDP candidate, this is an easy one to pick.

陈圣源(Scarborough North选区)。其父母在1970年代从印度移民到加国。为了参加联邦大选,陈圣源辞去了多伦多教育局主席一职,他将在这个与原有选区基本一致的新选区对抗现任新民主党议员。鉴于自由党曾牢牢把持该选区,因此选举结果很难预料。

Shaun Chen (Scarborough North). His parents immigrated to Canada from India in the 1970s. Shaun was Chair of the Toronto District School Board and resigned to get into the Federal Election. He is running against an incumbent NDP MP from essentially the same riding before the formation of this new one. This used to be a Liberal strong hold and so the result may be too close to call.

江邦固(Markham-Unionville选区,出生于中国大陆的律师)。首次参选的江邦固将迎战保守党资深候选人Bob Saroya,Bob曾以微弱差距败给长期把持该选区的自由党议员John McCallum,但后者在此次大选中放弃在该选区寻求连任。由于当地的华裔人口并不是以中国大陆移民为主,因此选战可能会势均力敌。但是总的来说,我认为保守党候选人可能会因为选区重划及其竞选经验而略占优势。

Jiang Bang Gu (Markham-Unionville –  A Lawyer born in Mainland China). She is competing for the first time against Bob Saroya – a veteran Conservative Candidate who narrowly lost to the long-time Liberal MP John McCallum (not running in this riding this time). This may be a close call as the Chinese population here does not include a Mainland Chinese majority. Overall, I think the Conservative Candidate may have a slight edge due to the redrawn of the boundaries and the experience from his past campaigns.

谭耕(Don Valley North选区,出生于中国大陆的化学家)。身为新秀候选人的谭耕将在这个新选区迎战Don Valley East选区的现任  保 守 党  议员  (Joe Daniel)。和许多大都市的席位一样,该选区的结果也很难预料, 要等到选举之夜才会见分晓。

Gen Tan (Don Valley North – A chemist born in Mainland China). He is a rookie candidate and has to run against an incumbent Conservative (Joe Daniel) who switched over from the Don Valley East riding which constitutes part of this riding due to the redistribution of ridings. Like many metro seats, this one is another close call and will go with the winning party on election night.


Bin Chang (Scarborough-Agincourt – An associate professor born in Mainland China). She went in the Markham Regional Councillor contest last year. See Arnold Chan paragraph under “Liberals”.

庄文浩(Wellington-Halton Hills选区现任议员)。温莎市出生,自2004年以来一直担任国会议员。对于保守党来说这一席位将会继续安全无虞。

Michael Chong (incumbent Wellington-Halton Hills). Born in Windsor and a MP since 2004). This is a safe Conservative seat and will continue to be such.

刘雄赐(Windsor West 选区,商人)。他曾参选过市议员、省议员和市长,但却都是铩羽而归。该选区自2002年以来就一直为新民主党把持,在现任新民主党议员Brian Masse退休之前,该选区将一直是新民主党的天下。

Henry Lau (Windsor West – A businessman). He ran for councillor, MPP, and Mayor previously without success. This riding is a NDP bastion since 2002 and until the incumbent NDP MP Brian Masse retires, it will remain a NDP riding.


Chungsen Leung (incumbent Willowdale. A businessman born in Taiwan). He won this traditionally Liberal riding by a very small margin (less than 1000 votes) in 2011. This riding is vulnerable.

王晨((Nepean选区,年轻的政治顾问)。在1996年重新划分Nepean-Carlton选区 (54%) 和Ottawa West-Nepean 选区(46%)时,Nepean选区曾被取消,但在2012年加拿大选举局又再度恢复了该选区。目前的Nepean选区是从原先的Nepean-Carlton选区中划出,选区现任议员是保守党悍将Pierre Poilievre,在此次大选中他将在Carleton选区参选。如果保守党的高人气能够一直保持到选举日,那Nepean选区仍将是保守党的天下。

Andy Wang (Nepean. A young political advisor). The electoral district was abolished in 1996 when it was redistributed between the Nepean-Carlton (54%) and the Ottawa West-Nepean (46%) ridings. The riding was then reinstated in 2012 by Elections Canada. All of the current riding comes from parts of the former riding of Nepean-Carlton which was held by the powerful Conservative incumbent Pierre Poilievre who is running in the riding of Carleton this time. A strong Conservative riding that will remain so if the popularity of the Government holds up on Election Day.


邹至蕙(Spadina-Ford York选区,出生于香港的职业政客)。对于她我们已无需多加赘述。在2014年她辞去国会议员参选多伦多市长,但最终落败。该选区是从Trinity-Spadina选区和Toronto Centre选区中新划分出的选区,邹至蕙的劲敌是自由党候选人魏德方(曾任市议员),后者是在邹至蕙辞职后赢得补选。在本次大选中,新民主党垫定的选民基础和族裔选民投票将会为邹至蕙助力。

Olivia Chow (Spadina-Ford York. A career politician born in Hong Kong). We don’t need to say a lot about her. She resigned her MP seat to run unsuccessfully in the Toronto Mayoral race in 2014. The riding was created out of parts of the electoral districts of Trinity-Spadina and Toronto Centre. Olivia will be up against Liberal Adam Vaughan (a local Councillor) who won her seat in a by-election after she left. This time, the NDP cultivated voter base and the heritage vote will work for Olivia.


Next time, we will continue with the Western provinces and the Territories.



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