

Don’t count on royal treatment when flights get cancelled or delayed

Airline travelers to China may face stressful travel experiences as lengthy flight delays have become increasingly common. Smog in China also becomes an additional factor for disruption as orange smog engulfs the country. But passengers should bear in mind that when the flight gets canceled or delayed due to bad weather, don’t count on royal treatments from airlines that include hotel rooms and taxi services.


Wang Lin (not his real name), a Chinese News reader had a frustrating travel experience after he boarded an Air Canada flight from Beijing to Toronto in last Nov..  The flight was grounded after boarding due to heavy smog, and as a result, all passengers had been stuck on tarmac for as long as 7 hours before they were ordered to leave the plane at midnight.


 “You can imagine the hassles we were facing, given that my mom is 79 and dad is 81,” says Wang. “But to our surprise, the airline refused to offer any hotel accommodations. As a result, we were stranded at the airport for the rest of the night and several hours the next day. It was a nightmare!”


Dealing with a flight delay can be frustrating, and airline passengers are entitled to certain rights and compensations. But Air Canada policy does not require the airline to provide hotel accommodations to the stranded passengers in the event that the delay is caused by reasons out of their control – such as bad weather. The airline also says that it is beyond its capacity to provide remedy for every consequences of a delayed or cancelled flight.

加航发言人Peter Fitzpatrick在发给《大中报》的一封电邮中称:“在当晚北京还有另外60多架航班也被取消,而这也就是加航为何无法提供酒店住宿的原因,因为恶劣天气是不可控因素,我们的责任则非常有限。此外,在碰到这种多家航空公司同时受到影响的情况时,处理起来也会更加困难。”

“There were more than 60 other cancellations in Beijing that night, so that is why there were no hotels,” says an email to Chinese News from Peter Fitzpatrick, Air Canada media spokesperson. “When there is a weather event, our liability is limited because it is outside our control. It is also difficult when a number of airlines are affected at the same time as in this case.”


But Air Canada offered a goodwill gesture -- 25% discount codes to all affected passengers for their next trip.


 “Mr. Wang, I realize you had a very difficult time and I take this opportunity to offer my sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused to you and your parents.”


But Wang seems unsatisfied with this goodwill gesture. “I think other airlines can offer better compensations to passengers under the circumstances,” says Wang. “Several years ago, I was taking a American Airline flight, and my luggage was delayed for one night. The airline offered $50 compensation… It seems that an American Airline’s luggage got a better treatment than an Air Canada passenger!”


Indeed, the rights that airline passengers are entitled to when their flights are cancelled or delayed could be quite different depending on which airline you are flying and what scenario is. And drawing comparison between different airlines’ compensation policies can make you feel even more frustrated.


According to a recent media report, a Porter airline flight was delayed in Toronto due to bad weather.  A passenger complained that Porter airline, instead of offering him a hotel room, provided him with a list of homeless shelters to spend the night.


 “They handed me a piece of paper with several numbers on it, and I found they were homeless shelters,” said the passenger.


He added: 'as a passenger, to have them handing you a list of homeless shelter numbers as if this was seriously the best they could do, it really left you feeling stranded.'


Apparently, Porter’s offer has left the passengers more frustrated than Air Canada’s goodwill gesture.



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