

Does Canada need the Conservative Party?
One of the more surprising aftermaths of the election of Justin Trudeau and the Liberals was seeing the speed with which former Conservative cabinet ministers distanced themselves from Stephen Harper and his style of government.
“Clearly we’ve got to turn a page, and we’ve got to reattach Conservative values and principles to the hopes and aspirations of Canadians,” Tony Clement, the former president of the Treasury Board, said the night the Tories handed their solid majority in Parliament to the Liberals.
前国防部长康尼说: "我们需要这样的保守主义: 即我们在宣传它的时候,应该使人感到保守主义是温暖和积极向上的。”
“We need a conservatism that is sunnier and more optimistic than what we have sometimes conveyed,” said Jason Kenney, the former minister of national defence.
有没搞错! 克莱门特和肯尼两位先生在哈珀先生主政,尤其是在联邦大选期间都躲到哪里去了?他们谈过自己的领袖哈珀那种专横的阴暗面,悲观的保守主义妈?也就是为赢得大选,不惜在加拿大百姓之间调拨离间,散布恐怖阴影, 听不得不同声音,压制党内不同政见者?没人否认这两位前部长的能力,为什么到了2015年大选惨败后让他们才承认?加拿大选民是要让那些头脑僵化,好斗和不把国会放在眼里的政党为这样的行为付出代价的。
No kidding. So where were Messrs. Clement and Kenney during the years Mr. Harper ran the party, and especially during the election campaign? Were they speaking out about their leader’s oppressively dark and pessimistic conservatism, one that pitted Canadians against each other, sowed fear and put the party in a win-at-all-costs headlock that brooked no dissent? These are two capable people – why did it take the disaster of the 2015 election for them to acknowledge that negativism, truculence and disdain for Parliament are political liabilities in Canada?
Similar questions can be asked of Rona Ambrose, the interim party leader and Leader of the Opposition. As a Harper cabinet minister, she tacitly supported her leader’s dubiouDrs position that the issue of missing and murdered indigenous women was a police matter only, and that a public inquiry was unnecessary. The minute the Liberals were elected and reaffirmed their campaign promise to hold an inquiry, Ms. Ambrose announced the Conservatives would support it and that this was a “non-partisan issue” that “should never be political.”
lack of conviction doesn’t bode well for the renewal of a national party whose ability to compete in elections is critical to the health of Canadian democracy. The CPC brand was no doubt damaged mostly by the insular and combative Mr. Harper, the only leader the party has ever had, but many of the leading men and women who remain in its ranks were groomed by Mr. Harper and seem content to work in his image.
The question is, as Mr. Kenney put it, can Canadian conservatism become “sunnier and more optimistic,” or is it doomed by its Reform Party roots to forever view government, the civil service, the Supreme Court, the media, unions, social liberals and other so-called “elites” with Mr. Harper’s unpleasant, sneering suspicion?
It’s evident that the Conservatives themselves don’t know the answer to that yet. Thankfully, the party’s leadership campaign is at least 18 months away, giving its MPs and leadership hopefuls time to reflect and, possibly, to learn.
The first thing Tories need to do in Opposition is to demonstrate respect for Parliament, something they conspicuously failed to do while in power. They can perhaps take notes from the Liberals, who have promised to make Question Period more civil, strengthen the role of committees, eschew omnibus budget bills and end the Harper government’s animosity toward critical watchdogs like the Auditor-General and the Parliamentary Budget Officer. If the Liberals keep their promises, it will be a useful refresher course for the likes of Ms. Ambrose and Mr. Kenney, not to mention Pierre Poilievre, on the primacy of Parliament.
The second thing the Conservative Party must do is remind Canadians why the country needs it. The job of preventing unnecessary expansions of government is never done. But Conservatives must recognize that many voters want something more than just tax cuts, sometimes with good reason. This is an opportunity for the Tories to refocus on fiscal prudence (which is more than just balancing a budget) and good government (which is not always less government), and get away from the divisive and embittering social issues that helped them lose the election. The Harper Conservatives stopped being a party of ideas. That has to change.
Note: The Editorial was published by The Globe and Mail on December 29, 2016. Translated by Jack Jia, Chinese News.



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