

Cancer-struck neurosurgeon taught us how to face mortality
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)

All organisms – including human beings— die, and death is a part of life. But human life has meaning and purpose. Those who have been pursuing the meaning of life, who have done what they came to do in life, and who have seriously considered the prospect of your own death, can calmly face their mortality and embrace death with dignity and integrity. 

年仅37岁死于肺癌的年轻作家、脑神经外科医生Paul Kalanithi终其一生都在追寻人生的意义。他那极其勇敢,深刻而精彩的人生令人许多人深受感动,鼓舞。他去世后所出版的回忆录《当呼吸化为空气》激励人们探索自己的人生意义,追寻更有意义的生活目标。

Paul Kalanithi, a young writer and neurosurgeon who died of lung cancer at 37, embarked on a lifelong journey to pursue the meaning of life. With an unthinkable courage, his profoundly beautiful life has deeply touched so many people. His memoir “When breath becomes air” published posthumously has inspired us to explore the meaning of our own life and pursue a meaningful purpose. 


Kalanithi has achieved much more in his short life than most people do in twice of that time. He has earned a slew of prestigious degrees – from English literature at Stanford to an MPhil at Cambridge to Medicine at Yale. Apart from being a chief residence in neurological surgery at Stanford Hospital, he was also a great writer, who wrote eloquently and movingly about facing mortality after being diagnosed with lung cancer. 


Kalanithi entered the last year of residence training at the age of 36. With dazzling achievements, he had reached the mountaintop where the promise land emerged: a top candidate for professorship at Stanford, head of clinical service, tenure track professorship, and a six-fold increase in salary. But the diagnoses of stage IV lung cancer have taken every opportunity away and crashed his medical career that he had built for almost a decade.


The diagnoses came to Kalanithi in a unique and dramatic way. As a neurosurgeon, he had examined scores of scans indicating widely disseminated cancer that rarely a procedure was deemed useful. But the images of the scan in front of him that led to the diagnosis of terminal stage IV cancer could be far more terrifying and devastating to him, as he was flipping through them in a patient gown, instead of a doctor’s scrubs. These images were not from any of his patients but from himself. 


Every human life’s journey is different but all journeys have one thing in common – our mortality. Despite the advances in medical science, diagnosis of terminal cancer is still a death sentence, and the terrible disease spares no one. Each diagnosis may make us all to commiserate our own eternity. What if I am diagnosed with cancer and handed down that sentence? How should I live my remaining life and cope with this dark, terrifying reality?


After his diagnosis, Kalanithi continued his medical training, and wrote relentlessly about his experience of facing death as he traversed a journey of transition -- from a doctor to a patient and from life to death. He coped with the tragedy in the joy of philosophy. He became the father to a baby girl – a brave and a tough decision he made with his wife after his diagnosis. “Would having a child make it more painful when you leave this world?” his wife asked. “Wouldn’t be that amazing?” he answered. “Life is not about avoiding pain, but about living it with a meaning and purpose.”


Kalanithi’s amazing short life and his book has profoundly impacted people and inspired us all to seek the ultimate truth about life.  As he confronted death – examined it, wrestled with it and accepted it, he was trying to help all of us understand it and face the inevitable – in a virtuous and meaningful way.



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