
CBC前名嘴Jian Ghomeshi被判无罪

Jian Ghomeshi found not guilty of sexual assault charges
经过8天的,有三名妇女出庭作证的法庭审讯,一纸法庭判决清除了CBC前名嘴Jian Ghomeshi包括四项性侵犯和一项以窒息制服反抗的性侵犯指控。自从Ghomeshi于2014年10月被CBC解雇以来,Ghomeshi的个人生活就被暴露于光天化日之下。他收到多项女性投诉以及警方的数项刑事指控。事实上,法官的这一判决只为Ghomeshi所面临的复杂而冗长的法律纷扰划上了临时终止符。今年6月,Ghomeshi将因另一项性源于2008年的工作场所骚扰事件的侵性犯指控接受审判。

After an 8-days trial that heard three complainants’ allegations against Jian Ghomeshi -- CBC’s former talk show host, a judge’s verdict has cleared him of sex assault charges – including four counts of sexual assaults and one count of overcoming resistance by choking. Ever since he was fired by his employer in Oct. 2014, Ghomeshi’s private life has been spilled into the public view and he has faced a slew of complaints from women and multiple charges from the police. In fact, the verdict has only brought one chapter of his ongoing saga to an end. In June, Ghomeshi will face a separate trial for another count of sexual assault charge stemming from an alleged incident of workplace harassment in 2008.



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