
安省内阁部长大幅调整 陈国治调离移民公民部

距2018省选两年之际,公众支持率不高的Kathleen Wynne对内阁进行大幅调整,将内阁成员增至30人。她将7名板凳成员提升,而那位因制定新自闭症治疗项目而引发家长极端不满的部长被贬职。原安省移民和贸易部长陈国治也被调到国际贸易部任部长。

Two years before the 2018 election, Premier Kathleen Wynne who has been struggling in public opinions made a cabinet shakeup that has expanded the cabinet table to 30 seats.  Seven backbenchers were promoted while the minister who bore brunt of parental anger over the new autism therapy program was promoted. Michael Chan is moved from the Ministry of Immigration to the Minister of International Trade.



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