
加币增值 通胀率下降

Canada’s inflation rate eases as gas prices jump, food costs fall
由于加币购买力上升,加国五月份的通胀率下降。加币回升导致物价降低,令五月份的通胀率从四月份的1.7%涨幅降至五月份的1.5%。尽管多伦多房价飙升,住房支出仅增加0.1%, 而总基础通胀率(不包括高价格浮动的食品和能源等)保持在加拿大银行锁定目标2.1%以下。 

Canadians will get more bang for their buck last month as Statistics Canada is reporting that the inflation rate has dipped in May. Spurred on by cheaper food prices thanks to the rebounding dollar, overall inflation was 1.5%, down from 1.7% in April of 2016. Despite the skyrocketing housing prices in Toronto, shelter costs only increased by 0.1% and overall core inflation (which excludes volatile prices, including food and energy) remained at the Bank of Canada’s target of 2.1%. 



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