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Globe investigation sheds light on Ontario cash-for-access fundraisers

During Premier Kathleen Wynne’s first three years in power, a total of 150 intimate cash-for-access fundraisers were held by Ontario Liberal Party. The Globe investigation gives an inside look at the cash-for-access Liberal fundraisers that have provided a perfect opportunity for specific interest groups to push their agenda with powerful politicians in exchange for their own benefits.

但这些包括获得利润丰厚的政府基建合同的工程公司到其受保药品取决于政府决定的医药公司的特殊群体所能获得的利益和特惠却可能与大众利益相违。据《环邮》调查,在汽车保险公司重金购买在2014和2015年间与安省财长Charles Sousa的数次晚宴后,安省财长与去年取消了其两年内江汽车保费降低15%的决定。

But these benefits that can be enjoyed by the interest groups --from companies with lucrative government infrastructure contracts to pharmaceutical companies that depend on the province to list their drugs for coverage-- may not be in the best interest of public. According to the Globe investigation, after insurance companies donated large sums of money to multiple receptions with Charles Sousa,the Ontario Minister of Finance between 2014 and 2015, Mr. Sousa broke his promise last year to drive down auto insurance rates by 15% over two years.   



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