

The Prime Minister to travel to China for an official visit and to attend G20 Summit
Believing that strengthening the relationship with China, the second largest economy, is essential to growing Canadian middle class, and creating new opportunities for Canadian business, PM Trudeau announced today that he will make an official week-long visit to China, striving to build stronger ties between the two countries. 


During the visit, PM Trudeau, whose father established relations with China in 1970, will seek to promote greater dialogues and create opportunities to bolster shared prosperity and grow the Canadian middle class. During the Aug. 30 to Sept. 6 trip, Trudeau will also attend the G20 summit in Hangzhou, China and make stops in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong.


Meanwhile, Canada's push for closer trade ties with China has slowed amid a number of outstanding issues that have stranded the relationship between the two countries – including Beijing’s plan to toughen inspection standard for canola. 



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