

PC Candidate Raymond Cho wins Scarborough-Rouge River by-election
安省保守党候选人赵成俊(图,右)在士嘉保-红河区补选中战胜对手获选,标志着自由党在该地区的长期以来的统治地位已被保守党动摇。尽管保守党领袖Patrick Brown(图,左)在竞选后期就性教育大纲问题上不断改变立场,保守党开辟了选民雄厚的多伦多郊区之道路,并获得了移民社区之人心。
Mr. Raymond Cho has won the by-election in Scarborough-Rouge River, marking an important breakthrough for PC Conservatives in the riding that has been the Liberals stronghold for over a decade. Despite the sex-ed snafu, where PC leader Patrick Brown took a double U-turn on the controversy curriculum during the final days of the race, the Tories have successfully made inroads in the vote-rich Toronto suburb by appealing to immigrant communities. 

保守党的获胜对Kathleen Wynne来说是一重磅炸弹,它表现出选民们对自由党的严重不满以及蓝色风暴即将到来的现状。

The victory is a big blow to Kathleen Wynne, revealing the voters’ deep-seated discontent with the Liberals and that the blue wave in Ontario is gaining momentum.  



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