
加拿大被中国扣押人士Kevin Garratt被释放

因涉嫌间谍罪被中国扣押的加国传教士Kevin Garratt在被中国当局关押两年后被突然释放并于本周四回到温哥华。Garratt的被释是加国政府,加国驻中国使馆及两位加国总理之竭力营救和不懈之努力之成果。

Two years after being detained by the Chinese authorities on suspicion of spying, Canadian Missionary Kevin Garratt was suddenly released and landed in Vancouver on Thursday. His release has highlighted the relentless and extraordinary efforts made by the Canadian government, Canadian embassy in Beijing and the two Prime Ministers. 


In detention, Mr. Garratt’s health deteriorated.  He was locked in a room with lights never turned off and developed irregular heartbeat. His detention was widely seen as retribution for Canada’s arrest of Su Bin, a Chinese businessman arrested in Canada on suspicion of stealing U.S. fighter-jet secrets. Mr. Su was sentenced to 46 months in US prison after pleading guilty to conspiring with Chinese military officers in a hacking scheme.

Garratt’s release, however, comes at a time when Beijing seems softening its tones towards human rights activists. In recent months, authorities have agreed to move a human-rights lawyer to a new prison after he went on a hunger strike, and given early release both to an imprisoned pastor and a man serving his fifth prison sentence for political activism that dates back to the Tiananmen Square protests.



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