

Shortage of inventories drives up home prices in GTA
[大中报侯东南报道] 由于房源紧缺,造成大多伦多地区房屋价格持续飚涨。今年1月,房屋平均价格达到$770,745,比去年上涨22.3%。416地区独立屋的价格上涨26.8%,平均价高达134万;905地区上涨27.8%,平均价达$999,102。
Shortage of home listings has significantly driven up home prices in GTA, with average price in Jan fetching $770,745, up 22.3 percent over last year.  Detached home prices rose 26.8 per cent in the 416 area, to an average $1.34-million, and 27.8 per cent in 905 regions to $999,102.

虽然新盘上市数量呈现2位数的下跌,但加拿大最大城市多伦多的房屋销售量上升了11.8 %,公寓的销售量独占鳌头。购不起独立屋的买家蜂拥公寓市场,使得公寓销售量的增长比其他房屋类型更加迅猛,公寓单元库存量大幅下跌。独立屋在416地区的销售量下降5.5%,而905地区则上升11.9%.
Home sales in Canada’s largest city were up 11.8 per cent, despite double digit drop in new listings. Leading sales growth was condo apartments. As priced out home buyers flocked into the condo market, condo sales climbed at far faster pace than other home types, putting downward pressure on condo inventories. The sales of detached houses in 416 dropped 5.5 per cent, while rising 11.9 per cent in the 905 areas. 

在大都市温哥华,1月份的房屋销售比去年同期下降近40%,一些分析家将此归结于外国买家税的作用。蒙特利尔银行的一位高级经济专家说, “这项政策的实施遏制了该地区房屋价格的上升”。
In Metro Vancouver, home sales dropped by almost 40 per cent in January from last year, which, some analysts say was the result of foreign buyer tax rules. “The policy move worked to slow price growth,” said a BMO senior economist.   



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