

Chinese Canadian detained in Beijing psychologically tortured
由于法轮功在中国被政府打压并取缔,其成员面临人身迫害和人权侵犯。今年2月, 51岁的法轮功学员孙倩持加拿大护照回家乡探亲时被中国政府拘留。因为不停大喊法轮功口号,她常常遭到严酷惩罚而被囚禁黑室。中国当局对法轮功学员的折磨虐待招致国际人权自由倡导者的谴责。正在与中国商讨引渡条约的加拿大政府也表示对孙倩被捕事件的强烈关注。
Falun Gong practitioners have faced persecution and human rights violations in China as the spiritual movement is banned and under the government’s crackdown. Sun Qian, a 51-year-old Falun Gong member, was detained in China in Feb. while visiting her hometown on a Canadian passport. She has been held in detention centre against her will ever since, and was locked in a small dark room from time to time as punishment for repeating Falun Gong slogans. Chinese authority’s torture and abusive practices towards Falun Gong members have sparked condemnations from international human rights advocates. The Trudeau government, which plans an extradition treaty talk with Beijing, says that it is seized by the matter of Sun’s arrest.



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