

Best winning predictions of Conservative leadershp race
来源: Bob Mok
编者按:联邦保守党党魁选举日益临近。Bob Mok撰文详细介绍了各位领先候选人之背景,并对可能的胜选者进行预测。读者如欲参照本系列前文,请点击http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/660798。
Editor’s Note:As the Conservative Party leadership race rapidly approaches, Bob Mok takes an inside look at the frontrunners’ background and provide predictions of the election winners. For the previous article in the series, please go to http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/660798

The countdown is on for the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) leadership race to be held on May 27, 2017. Right now, there are still thirteen candidates after Frontrunner Kevin O'Leary dropped out of the contest on April 26, 2017. 


Of the thirteen candidates, only seven will have any chances to win and their profiles were given in my earlier articles. They are: Maxime Bernier,  Erin O'Toole, Kellie Leitch, Andrew Scheer, Lisa Raitt, Chris Alexander, and Michael Chong. 


It is surprising to many observers that there are no white flags waved by some of the other candidates. Typically, those without hope will throw in their towels at this time and endorse one of the front-runners, asking their own supporters to vote for the endorsed candidate. Very much like a lottery, these actions may garnish future assignments from the winning candidate.


There are 259,010 eligible voters in the leadership race. All 338 ridings across the country are weighted equally and have 100 points each, making the total 33,800 points. The leadership contest winner will need at least 16,901 points, or just more than 50 per cent of the points available. 


The party is using the preferential-ballot system, in which party members will vote for up to 10 leadership candidates numerically, from their most to least preferred. The person with the least number of first-choice votes will be dropped after the first ballot. The eliminated candidates’ ballots will be distributed among the other candidates and count again. The process will be repeated until someone receives more than 50 per cent support. 


Considering the high number of leadership candidates and close contest, it appears unlikely that anyone will be able to win 50 per cent plus support on the first ballot.


When Kevin O'Leary dropped out of the race, he endorsed Maxime Bernier. Only one month before that, O’Leary complained about illegal purchases of over 1300 memberships by another candidate's camp. Many believed that candidate to be Maxime. 


Realistically, the winner will come from one of the following 4 candidates:Maxime Bernier, Erin O'Toole, Andrew Scheer, and Kellie Leitch. There are expectations that the winner will be able to communicate in French fluently to capture the Quebec votes in a Federal election. Out of these 4 above, only Maxime will qualify without questions. Erin and Andrew are both struggling with French and Kellie does not have a passing grade. Chris Alexander is another excellent French speaker but he is not a front-runner.


For the Conservative Party to form a majority government, they must capture a good portion of the Quebec seats. With that in mind, many voters will be influenced heavily by this one factor alone. In my opinion, the new leader will either be Maxime or Erin while Kellie may be the “dark horse”.


Kellie's centrepiece of campaign is a requirement that all newcomers be interviewed to verify their "Canadian" values and this has been controversial through out her campaign. 


The Liberal government under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau proved to be unreliable when it comes to fulfilling election campaign promises. Trudeau also shows poor leadership and brings on huge national deficits beyond his election mandate. The Conservatives must produce a competent and charismatic leader to go into the next election and form the next Federal government. Selecting the right person in this leadership race will be a first step towards that victory.



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