
本周重要新闻推荐 17-12-02

Beijing offers junkets to parliament officials in Ottawa

导读:为了树立良好的海外形像并对控制海外华侨群体,中国政府正不断将其触角伸向加国政府内部,不遗余力地讨好,奉承加国政府高官。 近年来,从资深政治家约翰•麦考伦(John McCallum)到新秀议员谭耕(Gen Tan),北京向数名加拿大国会议员和参议员共提供了几十次赞助旅行。 《环球邮报》的文章曝光了加国政客屡次接受免费旅行却不上报的做法,并对政府官员的这种行为表示担忧。
Summary: In an effort to burnish China’s image abroad and manage the Chinese diaspora overseas, Bejing is pushing for influence inside the Canadian government, going out of its way to cultivate relationships with parliament officials in Ottawa. In recent years, Beijing has offered several dozens ofsponsored trips to Canadian MPs and senators, ranging from veteran politician John McCallum to rookie MP Gen Tan. The Globe article has raised concerns over Canadian politicians repeatedly accepting undisclosed trips from China, putting their problematic practice under public scrutiny.




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