
下周重要新闻推荐 17-12-09

未能与渥京开启自由贸易商谈  中国《环球时报》炮轰加国媒体
Failing to launch a free trade talk with Ottawa, China state press attacks Canadian media
Editor’s Note: Despite a widely anticipated launch of free trade talk with China, Trudeau left Beijing empty handed. The surprising twist seems not to sit well with Beijing, leaving the country’s nationalist state press to voice outrage. Fueled by a surge of confidence over China’s economic might, China’s tabloid Globe Times uses an abrasive tone to provoke a barrage of criticisms against Canada, putting Canadian media in its crosshair. Experts say that the attack indicates that the road of clinching a free trade deal with China will be treacherous, bringing Trudeau back to the reality that his honeymoon period with Beijing has come to an end.



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