
本周重要新闻推荐 18-01-06

提供最低工资迫使Tim Horton店削减雇员福利
Wynne “upset” over Tim’s owners’ threat to cut employees’ benefit after minimum wage hike
导读:安省提高最低工资的政策造成省长韦恩(Kathleen Wynne)与商界领袖势不两立。最近中央银行警告说,提高最低工资的政策将造成全国范围内丧失近6万个工作岗位,使得这种对立情绪更为显著。当Tim Hortons创办人子女所经营的的两家连锁分店宣布,他们将会削减员工的牙齿和健康福利时,省长表示东主的举动令她感到不安,并指责他们欺负员工。
Summary: Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne’s minimum wage hike policy has put her at odds with business leaders, particularly after BOC’s warned that the wage hike could cost nearly 60,000 jobs across the country. But when two Tim Hortons locations –which are run by the children of the brand co-founders – announced to cut their employees’ dental and health benefits after the policy kicks in, the Premier says the store owners’ move has left her upset, and accuse them of bullying employees.




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