

Ontario PCs will select new leader on March 10
来源: Bob Mok

The leadership race for the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario is just around the corner. Party members will vote on March 2 to March 8 and the results will be announced on March 10, 2018. Keeping in mind that the Ontario Provincial Elections are to be held on June 7, 2018 there is only a very small window for the selected leader to lead the campaign.


There are many articles already to chronicle the events and the why's and how's of what is leading up to this contest so they will not be repeated here. What is important is that now we have 4 candidates for the race. They are:

叶励雅(Christine Elliott),福特(Doug Ford),艾伦(Tanya Granic Allen)和穆隆尼(Caroline Mulroney)。

Christine Elliott, Doug Ford, Tanya Granic Allen and Caroline Mulroney.


Unlike the 2015 leadership race when members went to polling stations to cast their votes, the voting is done by electronic means. Cautions are taken to eliminate ghost memberships by a two steps verification process.


All registered members who paid up their dues prior to February 16, 2018 will receive a letter send to their address. A personal verification code is included for the member to use the party's web site to verify the accuracy of their personal information and to upload picture(s) of one of more acceptable official identification documents, at least one with a photograph and a connection to their current address. The deadline for this initial verification process is March 2.


An email address is necessary for voting as the ballot will be sent to that electronic mailbox once the party is satisfied with the documents received earlier. Although not explained yet, it would seem that the verification code is needed to cast the ballot during the voting period.


The preferential ballot counting system is to be used. Voters will rank the candidates from one to four but they do not have to rank more than one if they choose to do so. The lowest ranked candidate and any with fewer than 10% of the electoral votes will be dropped from the next round as ballots are counted, and the first candidate to get 50 per cent of the votes will be declared the new leader.


Since the second ranked candidates on the removed candidates' ballots go on to the next round, it is a good idea for the front runners to get a lot of those votes. It boils down to whether the supporters for the front runners will give second rankings to another “acceptable” candidate since giving it to the rival is out of the question. If this is happening, it is possible for the number three survivor to move pass the two top candidates and win the contest.


The Progressive Conservative party of Ontario will go into the election campaign for the Ontario provincial election on June 7, 2018 with their newly elected leader.



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