

Time to implement recommendations from Drummond Report
来源: Bob Mok


After the recent budget announcements, the Teachers Unions in Ontario launched a campaign to bring attention to their “alleged” degradation of the educational system. They focused on the increase in class sizes claiming this to be detrimental to the students' academic achievements.


When it comes to class size increases, Liberal party supporters will conveniently forget the 2012 Drummond Report that was commissioned by then Premier Dalton McGuinty in 2011. One of the items in this report recommended an increase in class sizes but was ignored by the Liberal Provincial Government for the sake of political expediency in order to appease the Teachers Unions.


The deficit-reduction report written by economist Don Drummond and a four-person commission was released on February 15, 2012. It was intended to advise the government of Ontario on how to reduce the province's debt levels - the highest for any province in Canada. The accumulated debt in 2012 was $240 Billion, up from $139 Billion when the Liberals took power in 2004.


Drummond’s report called for extensive spending reductions to balance the books by 2017-18 and outlined 362 recommendations in the 665-page, two-volume report. Many of the recommendations on cuts were never adopted by the ruling Liberals. When the Ontario liberals were turfed by the voters in 2018, the total debt reached $325 Billion from $139 Billion.


Let us examine what the Drummond Reports said about class sizes.


One of Ontario’s fundamental strategies to support improvements in student achievement has been to reduce primary class sizes (kindergarten to Grade 3). Capital investments were made to allow schools to accommodate smaller class sizes.


The 2008 provincial labour framework agreements included funding to decrease average class sizes in Grade 4 through Grade 8 by 0.5 student between 2009–10 and 2012–13. At the secondary level, increases for teacher preparation time and additional teachers as part of the Student Success Strategy have also resulted in increased resources.

自2003年以来,安省自由党政府一直认为较小的班级规模会让师生互动产生更好的教学效果。但问题是什么才是“小班”,小班如何、为什么和在什么条件下能提高学习成绩就没有下文了。CD Howe政策研究所的研究指出:“没有确凿证据证明小班教学可以提高加拿大小学和中学的学生成绩。”其他国际研究表明,小班教学并不是教育成果的关键因素。单凭减小班级学生人数不会提高学生成绩。

Since 2003, the government has maintained that smaller classes yield better results through greater teacher-student interaction but questions of “what size class is ‘small enough,’ how and why reducing class size works, and under what conditions it works, are all under-explained.” Research by the C.D. Howe Institute suggests that “no solid evidence exists to show that smaller classes improve student achievement in the later primary and secondary grades in Canada.” Other international studies suggest that small class sizes are not a key determinant of educational outcomes, and certainly small class sizes alone are an insufficient measure to achieve these outcomes.

其他证据表明,就物有所值而言,花钱来减小班级规模并不能带来最大的回报,而提高教师质量是改善学生成绩的更有效途径。同样,C.D Howe政策研究所指出,如果把花在减少班级规模上的钱用在教育系统的其他领域,可能更能提高学生成绩。

Further evidence suggests that, in terms of value for money, investments in lower class sizes do not provide the greatest possible benefit. Raising teacher quality is a more effective route to improved student outcomes than creating smaller classes. Similarly, the C.D. Howe Institute notes that resources devoted to class-size reduction could have a greater impact if reallocated elsewhere in the education system.


The Drummond Commission recommended the following:

将小学一年级班级学生人数设定为23,取消90%的班级必须达到20个学生或更少的政策。中学每班人数从目前的22名学生增至24名。到2017  -  18,这项措施会消减大约5,900个教师职位,也就是全省教职员工的4.8%,这意味着教职员工在六年的平均年度流失为0.8%。

Set the cap in class size for primary grades at 23 and eliminate the other requirement that 90 per cent of classes must be at 20 or fewer, and secondary class sizes from 22 to 24. The recommended increase in class sizes will lead to approximately 5,900 or 4.8 per cent fewer teaching positions by 2017–18, representing an average annual attrition rate over the next six years of 0.8 per cent among teaching staff.


Now let us look at the recent changes announced by the Ford Conservative Government:

幼儿园到3年级的每班人数没有变化。 4至8年级的学生每班人数从23增加到24,高中(9至12年级)的每班学生人数从22增加到28名。这一改革将通过逐渐减员措施来消减7,000个教学职位。

There are no changes to primary class sizes (kindergarten to Grade 3). The average class sizes would increase by one student in Grades 4 to 8 (23 to 24), and from 22 to 28 students in high school (Grade 9 to 12) – changes that would lead to the loss of about 7,000 teaching positions through attrition.


If we look at today's educational changes and match that with the commissioned Drummond Report in 2012, they are not that different save for the high school class size increases (24 now becomes 28). For first year university students, we put hundreds into lecture halls so getting the high school student ready for that reality may actual help them to adjust later at universities.


If the medicine prescribed by the Drummond Commission was taken back in 2012 and progressive changes to class sizes are made, we will not be saddled with the huge provincial debt today. We would also have adjusted to the gradual changes over the years.


The words from the Drummond Reports fell on deaf ears at one time, may be now is the time to start listening and working with a slightly modified version of it to control our budget deficits.




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