

Ottawa's carbon tax has little impact on global warming
来源: Bob Mok

由于安大略省,曼尼托巴省,萨斯喀彻温省和新不伦瑞克省没有按照全国标准对二氧化碳排放收费的政策,联邦政府于2019年4月1日开始向这些省份征收“碳税” 。同样,2019年7月1日起,将渥太华将对北部三个特区征收碳税。

The Federal Government imposed the “carbon tax” on April 1, 2019 to provinces that have no carbon-pricing scheme that meets national standards — Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and New Brunswick. A carbon price will be levied in the three northern territories starting July 1, 2019.


Carbon taxes are not paid directly to the federal government by consumers. Instead, Ottawa will impose the tax on fuel and production and distribution companies, which will in turn pass on those costs to customers.


It was anticipated that prices on gasoline will immediately increase by 4.42 cents a litre for gasoline, 5.37 cents for light fuel oil (home heating fuel), 3.91 cents per cubic metre for natural gas and 3.10 cents per litre for propane.

碳税预计每年都会上涨,因为碳税每年将上涨10元/吨,到2022年,碳税将达到50元/吨 。这意味着在不到三年的时间内,碳税要增加一倍以上。为了减小这种税收负担,渥太华承诺,从2018年开始,它将会把其收取的碳税通过退税的方式退还给个人。有人怀疑这一碳税政策是否是真的"收支平衡",暗示渥太华会在如何在会计做账时动手脚。

Those costs are expected to rise each year as the carbon tax increases by $10/tonne until it hits $50 in 2022 — meaning those costs will more than double in less than three years' time. To offset this tax burden, Ottawa promised to return every single dollar it collects in carbon tax to the people in the province in which it was collected in the form of a rebate to be claimed on their 2018 tax return with the Canada Revenue Agency. Skeptics questioned the “revenue-neutral” label of the carbon tax, suggesting that it is an possible accounting task.

政策宣布后,许多人在社交媒体上谴责这一政策。人们不认为那些几乎垄断所在行业的的排污大户不会有任何动力找新的清洁能源取代现有的能源,他们会直接把碳税转嫁给消费者。 对他们来说,碳税只是做生意的成本,可以轻易回收。

Since then, many postings came up on social media condemning this action. People cannot see how the taxes will cause carbon gas emitters to seek alternate clean sources of energy or install pollution capturing equipment since many of them are monopoly's in their field and the taxes are passed directly onto the consumers. This means that the taxes are just part of the costs for doing business that can be recovered.


The focus immediately falls on the increase for the price of gasoline since it impacts all drivers on a daily basis. Carbon tax supporters claim that the increases are insignificant while those who oppose the tax fear that this can result in addition transportation costs and will set off another round of price increases for all consumer goods. Once again, the overall pricing structure of gasoline, in particular the tax components, fuel the discussions.


When I first started to drive in 1973, only “leaded” gasoline was available and they were sold in gallons (4.54 litres). At that time, it was 52 cents per gallon or 11.42 cents per litre in 1973 dollars. Of course, back then the minimum hourly wage was under $2. The action of the Arab Petroleum Cartel - Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) restricted oil production shortly after that year led to a dramatic rise in oil prices.


Gasoline prices were around $1.24 per litre (with the carbon tax included) on April 1, 2019 in Ontario. If I tell you that the gasoline producers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers (combined) only take home 82 cents or 65.8% of the price at the pumps, will you be surprised? In other words, over one third of what you pay for gasoline are taxes.

从汽油中征收的税收直接流向联邦和省两级政府。联邦政府征收每升10分的固定税(自1995年起生效)。油价中还含5%的商品和服务税,然后税上加税,再次征收HST税。新的碳税将让油价再加4分(另加HST)。这实际上是对第二次征收的税收或所谓的“税上加税”征税 - 对大多数纳税人来说,这是一种令人厌恶的做法。

The taxes collected from gasoline go directly to the two levels of government – Federal and Provincial. The federal government charges an excise tax at a flat rate of 10 cents per litre on gasoline (in effect since 1995). A 5% Goods and Service tax is applied to this excise tax immediately and subject to further HST tax again as part of the final retail price. The new Carbon Tax will add another 4 cents (subject to HST as well). This is in effect, taxing on imposed taxes a second time or what is known as “double-dipping” - a loathsome practice to most taxpayers.


Ontario government applies another 14.7 cents of Provincial Fuel Tax per litre. Again, HST will be charged on top of this to add to the final price. It must be noted that Provincial Fuel Tax is funding Ontario’s gas tax program to create more transit options for commuters and families and it provides 105 municipalities with 2.5 cents per litre of provincial gas tax revenues ($401.3 million in 2019). This will be increased to 4 cents per litre ($642 million) in 2021.


Ontario's constitutional challenge to the federal Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act has started at the Ontario Court of Appeal in Toronto. It was not intended as a debate on the realities or dangers of global warming but rather, which level of government has the power to deal with the problem.

This court case will take many months to decide. If the Federal Conservatives comes to power in the next election in October this year, they will “scrap” the Carbon Tax and make this whole legal exercise in Ontario meaningless. The Carbon Tax is not going to help significantly in solving global warming (if this is indeed true) as Canada is producing only 1.6% of the world's total. Let us not use that as an excuse for more taxes!




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