

5G service is coming, so are health concerns over the network
来源: Bob Mok


Over the past year, the fifth generation (5G) wireless technology becomes a hot topic as part of the US-China trade talks. Many articles are written, identifying the advantages offered by the technology along with its security issues. The health hazards associated with 5G technology are almost never put into focus and reported by main-stream media.


In order to understand the health risks resulting from the implementation of 5G technology, we need to first examine the foundation of wireless technology. For years, humans, animals and the environment have all been exposed to health risks starting with the first generation of wireless technologies. We were exposed to frequencies akin to microwaves at magnitudes of several billion cycles per second. While 4G (current generation) was bad enough, 5G takes the game to a whole new level of insanity.

如用千兆赫来衡量,5G摆脱了自身与4G之间的差距。千兆赫是影响设备传输速度的交流电(AC)或电磁(EM)波的单位。虽然4G的速度可以达到6GHz左右,但5G技术的速度可以达到30至300 GHz范围内的无线电毫米频段。在数据传输中,5G比4G产生的速度快60到120倍。 5G承诺会带来更多的信息频道,更高的速度,更大的数据包、更快的指数反应,以及从一个基站连接大量的通讯设备。它是自动驾驶汽车的必须,但同时也产生一系列潜在的健康风险。

5G opens up the gap between itself and 4G, measured in terms of gigahertz - the unit of alternating current (AC) or electromagnetic (EM) waves that affect the transmission speeds of devices. while 4G tops out at around 6GHz, 5G technology promises radio millimetre bands in the 30 to 300 GHz range. This produces speeds up to 60 to 120 times faster than 4G in data transmissions. 5G promises to bring larger channels, higher speeds, larger packets of data, exponential responsiveness and the ability to connect a host of devices from a single location. It becomes the foundation for self-driving cars while also causing a long list of potential health risks.


Two cities – Brussels and Geneva understand this issue and have blocked trials and banned upgrades of their wireless systems to 5G out of this concern. Switzerland is delaying its 5G rollout in order to create a system to monitor radiation. Syracuse, New York, is also attempting to set up some safeguards and has "negotiated the right to conduct on-demand safety inspections of 5G antennas" to allay public concerns.


It is interesting to note that in the United States the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) admits no 5G safety studies have been conducted or funded by the agency or telecommunications industry, and that none are planned. When 5G launches, it will be the first actual test on human beings ever performed.

调查记者Norm Alster写了一本关于FCC如何被其监管的电讯行业牵着鼻子走的书。书中透露,前FCC主席在进入FCC之前自己就是无线行业游说组织的负责人,这解释了为什么FCC不相信5G的健康风险,并且不会按照行业惯例来减轻这种风险。

Investigative journalist Norm Alster wrote a book on how the FCC is dominated by industries it presumably regulates. In that book, he revealed that the previous FCC Chair was the head of a lobbying group for wireless industry before he joined the FCC thus explaining why the FCC does not believe in studying the 5G health risks and would not wait for the standards to take actions to allay such risks.


The book also shows how the telecommunications industry is manipulating public opinion by undermining the credibility of scientists that speak of dangers, cutting funds for research, publishing manipulated studies showing no harm and claiming "scientific consensus" of no harm when no such consensus actually exists. Naturally, the telecommunications industry also spends millions of dollars lobbying the FCC on issues that might impact its bottom line.

Resolution 1815 of the Council of Europe (2011) on the potential dangers of electromagnetic field and their effect on the environment prepared by its Parliamentary Assembly was endorsed by scientists:

“我们,签名的科学家们,建议聘请那些不受通讯行业控制的科学家们就5G对人类健康和环境的潜在危害进行全面研究之前,暂停5G的推出。 5G将大大增加人被射频电磁场(RF-EMF)的影响,且已被证明这对人类和环境有害。”

“We, the undersigned scientists, recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry. 5G will substantially increase exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF)… and has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment.”


At this moment, over 180 scientists and doctors in almost 40 countries are warning the world about 5G health risks. These voices are drowned out in the on-going trade war between United States and China over data security concerns. We need to look at taking daily measures to protect ourselves from radio frequency (RF) radiation surrounding us coming off 5G towers and cell stations. The wireless industry is not just building an infrastructure that provides faster downloads, it is practically building a global microwave oven.


Next time, we can explore ways and means to protect ourselves and minimize the impact of the increased RF radiation that will surely arrive along with the 5G era one day not far into the future.



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