

A few steps to make sure you buy quality masks
来源: Bob Mok


Ever since I wrote an article a few weeks ago talking about the different kinds of facial masks, I was asked by friends to help them to select the right kind of masks for them. For that article on the introduction to masks, please click: http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/668597


There is quite an inventory of facial masks that arrived in March from China. These are not the type of masks that would meet the quality requirement of Health Services procuring such for front line Health workers. In fact, they are “non-medical” masks mentioned by the top Canadian Health Official Teresa Tam.




As part of a team to locate masks for members in our organization, I got involved in the hunt for suitable masks for daily use. After spending more than four decades working in the Quality Control field before retirement, my experiences become a valuable asset in this exercise. I immediately look for testing and inspection methods that I can use in this quest. Let me share my experiences with you below.


The very first thing that would confuse any mask purchasers will be the packaging boxes. Different international medical, quality standards and their logos are commonly labelled on the boxes. One would need to do researches just to understand the significance or insignificance of these items.

Many packages are supplied with registration certificates for ISO and FDA. All of these registrations mean nothing! The marking on the masks packaged in the box cannot be identified with the registrations in all cases. Further more, almost all of the certificates turn out to be fraudulent documents. The registrars' web sites will identify these certificates belonging to factories at other addresses or even outside of the manufacturer's country.

这些口罩的生产商也会声称自己的产品符合ASTM标准((编辑注:ASTM是美国材料测试协会,American Society of Testing and Materials的缩写。)。他们会在包装盒上印上“高级过滤”,“无玻璃纤维”和“外科一次性使用”之类的话,但你不必对他们当真。
The boxes can also be identified themselves as meeting ASTM Level(s). They will use words like “High Filter Efficiency”, “Fibreglass Free”, and “surgical disposable” but again these claims can be ascertained and must be ignored.

Medical masks are constructed as a three-ply device. The out layer and backing layer are non-woven  fabric while the middle layer is a Meltblown material serving as the most important barrier. Meltblown sheet is fabricated out of micro- and nanofibers where a polymer melt is extruded through small nozzles surrounded by high speed blowing gas. The randomly deposited fibers form a sheet of waterproof product. The meltblown material acts as the filter that stops microbes from entering or exiting the mask. Pleats are commonly used to allow the user to expand the mask such that it covers the area from the nose to the chin. The masks are secured to the head with ear loops, head ties, or elastic straps.

The first thing to do is to test out if the mask is waterproof. When water is poured on the inside with the mask forming the shape of a cup, it should hold water without leakage. Next, I would cut open the mask at the middle point across the length of it to verify that it is 3 layered and contains the Meltblown sheet in the middle. Even though I have not seem this, I hear about masks with two layers only!

After this, I would do a “tear test” on the Meltblown layer. Tearing it apart with my hands slowly, I should feel resistance and a silk-like texture can be seen at the tearing edges. Holding this sheet up against a light, there should be no detectable holes when examined with the naked eye. When the edge of the Meltblown layer ise burned with a lighter or match, it would distinguish by itself.

The Meltblown layer should also carry static electricity. One method is to put small cut-up pieces of facial tissues against it and the two surfaces would come together. Inspecting the holes on the surface of the outer and inner layers would give an idea of effectiveness of the mask on a relative basis – the smaller the holes, the better the product. I have done all of these inspections and tests to provide a level of confidence for the purchasing of the masks.

我还听说过有人使用小型激光笔测试熔喷布。显然,激光不应穿透熔喷布。如果是这样,过滤95%以上(BFE> 95%)细菌的能力将令人怀疑。我自己没有尝试过这种方法。这种方法只是最近由香港的一位化学教授提出的。

I also hear about the use of a small laser pointer to fire at the Meltblown material. Apparently, the light should not penetrate the material and come out “clean and clear” on the other side. If it does, then the ability to filter out 95 plus percentage (BFE > 95%) of the bacteria will be questionable. I have not tried this method myself as this was only recently demonstrated by a Chemistry Professor out of Hong Kong.


To summary my experiences – Do not believe in box labelling and certificates as they can repackage masks into any box anytime. Do not believe in the “sample” you are given when buy in bulk. Chances are, you will fall into the “Bait and Switch” scheme. Testing and Inspections are very rudimentary when executed without the proper equipment in a laboratory and they only provide approximate results on a relative basis.


The road to buying good facial masks is a treacherous one. I hope I have helped to navigate you to your destination without detours.



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