

It is time to turn our back on the Mayor


On Wednesday, new allegations emerged from the police wiretaps that provide more direct links between the Toronto Mayor Rob Ford and the drug underworld. The mayor’s alleged behaviour -- including attempted extortion, threats and using illegal drugs have, to some extent, exposed his public office to criminal elements.


Two weeks ago, an opinion poll indicated that Rob Ford, despite all the scandals swirling around him, still held an approval rating of 43%. However, what is unknown is whether his supporters will keep backing him up after the newly released police information.


While Rob Ford firmly denies the allegations, claiming they are all outright lies, the information was largely based on private conversations among drug dealers and gang members. It has certainly added new twists to his drug saga, and prompted city councilors to openly call for the police to explain why he has not been charged. It has also forced many of his strong supporters to reconsider their position towards the mayor.


In fact, many of Ford’s core supporters are those who favour his fiscal agenda. It was his right-wing populism that got him elected and reinforced his supporters’ beliefs. Ford’s right-wing populism—including calling to stop the gravy train and to defend interests of taxpayers, taped into the Torontonians. At the time when Ford was elected, only 12 per cent of the city’s residents felt their taxpayer dollars were being respected by city hall.


Chinese News endorsed Mayor Ford during his election campaign, before he was swamped in scandals.  Soon after he got into office, he slashed budgets, contracted out garbage collections, and revoked transit workers’ right to strike.  His political achievements have won supporters,   who, even after his crack cocaine video was reported, still believed that Ford’s personal troubles and controversies would not be able to discredit his fiscal agenda. 


However, with every piece of information released indicating more and more serious drug problems, Torontonians – including many Chinese community members -- are increasingly disappointed and disturbed by the shocking facts.


But they didn’t give up on him immediately, and they hoped that things could improve through some rescuing efforts. They hoped that Ford could pull himself out from his personal mess and continue to act in the best interests of taxpayers.


Since Ford admitted that he had used crack cocaine, he has been swamped with advice, requests and demands – from friends, allies and citizens asking him to step aside. However, the mayor seems to have firmly dug in, refusing to heed their calls. 


Meanwhile, these shocking facts deepens Ford’s crisis and shakes his support base. Increasingly, media outlets and politicians who used to be afraid to offend so-called Ford Nation have started to speak out asking him to resign. A growing number of immigrants have now changed their positions towards him.


 Now the big question is on our mind. Will the Ford scandal ever be over? Will there be more shocking information come in the future that may lead to a criminal charge? Moreover, does the mayor deserve our continuing support?


Given his significantly reduced power at City Hall, the mayor is already like a dead man walking. Indeed, if the city council led by the deputy mayor can continue a fiscally conservative agenda and respect taxpayers dollars, Torontonians are happy to see that the mayor is moved away so that he won’t get in the way of the juggernaut he’d put in motion.


Enough is enough. Maybe now the time comes that we should turn our back on him. It’s time for Mayor Rob Ford to leave office and take care of his personal mess. It is good for him, and it is good for the city.




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