

Chinese News strives to serve readers’ needs in 2014


                                               Nancy Jin


2013 marked another year of changes, reforms and improvements, as the world evolved and transformed. As in many places in the world, Chinese News embraced the opportunities of changes and reforms, which we believe, have helped the paper better fulfill its mandate – to serve our readers’ needs.


In 2013, Chinese News celebrated its 20th anniversary.  Striving to provide the best services to our readers, it has grown into a reputable community paper and enjoyed a strong readership in the community -- from retired seniors to middle class jobholders.


Our legal column was created in 2013 to address legal concerns from readers and to bring current mainstream legal issues to the community. From revealing’ the challenges faced by the community in accessing the legal system, to introducing legal information, this column is intended to arm community members with legal knowledge that will help them steer clear of potential legal troubles.


An immigration column was presented in the paper to serve as an emotional bond to our readers.  From immigrants who visited China, to seniors with enriched life journey in the home country, these stories have put the lives in two different countries into perspective -- from the quality lifestyles and the peaceful environment that Canada has to offer, to the remarkable changes and abundant business opportunities in China, from the challenges and difficulties immigrants in Canada face, to the increasingly aggressive and hostile human relationships in China. These stories resonate well with our readers, making them ponder, reflect and consider.


In the latter half of 2013, the crack cocaine scandals surrounding Toronto mayor Rob Ford frequented the headlines in the mainstream media, and also dominated news in Chinese News. We brought the most up-to-date news to our readers as the scandal developed, and provided columns in analyzing the key issues concerning the mayor. The information has brought into the public eye of a mayor whose policy agenda has found its deep roots in the Chinese community while his personal problems caused great concerns among the readers.

爱德华·斯诺登(Edward Snowden)英雄还是罪犯?在2013年,中央情报局的前雇员向公众披露高度机密,其作法可能会导致政府监控行动的格局之改变。这一信息的披露是令国家安全受到了威胁, 还是使公民因了解其个人隐私遭到侵犯而受益?是他犯了法,还是他为了公众利益而牺牲了个人安危?这些问题都在公众及《大中报》读者中引起极大的争论。

Is Edward Snowden a hero or a criminal? In 2013, the former contract employee of the CIA disclosed highly confidential information to the public, which may reshape the landscape of government surveillance.  Is the national security compromised resulting from this revelation, or are citizens better off now that they become aware their privacy is infringed upon? Did his action break the law or did he put his personal safety on the line for the interest of the public? These questions have sparked great debate among the public as well as Chinese News readers.


Yatim was a 19 year boy who died under the police gun shots while yielding a short knife in the street car. His tragic death has sparked a strong public outcry, which eventually led to the criminal charges against the police officer who fired several fatal shots towards the boy. Chinese News followed the incident and the public reactions to it, and we published a column article that has given an immigrant’s empathetic account towards Yatim’s mother, who was in deep agony of losing her son.


The entire incident was captured by a citizen as a video footage, which was placed on the YouTube. To a certain extent, the citizen journalism has helped put the alleged criminal action of the police officer under the spotlight, signalling the important role the social media has played in seeking justice.


In the New Year, Chinese News will continue to bring the most up-to-date information to our readers. Meanwhile, we will enhance our content covering issues in both China and the Chinese community at large. We hope that our readers will be more connected with the paper by writing to us, sharing your thoughts, opinions, or life experiences. With your help and support, we believe that the paper will continue to thrive in 2014.






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