

Editorial: Time to send Ontario Liberals packing


It has been more than a decade since the Ontario Liberals, led by the infamous Dalton McGuinty and now Kathleen Wynne, came into power. Chinese News calls upon all readers to vote this Thursday June 12th for the Ontario PC’s led by Tim Hudak.


For the past decade, the Liberals ran Ontario on several blockbuster programs, from increasing public education levels, to promoting green technologies, and even promising infrastructural improvements, while simultaneously promising not to raise taxes. The Liberals soon realized that in order to achieve such goals, Ontario would need to find financing, and that financial burden has fallen upon Ontarian’s. Despite its promises, the Liberals introduced the health premium from $300 to $900, staggered according to income, increased income taxes, and introduced eco-taxes and other miscellaneous consumption taxes.


Even with a plethora of new tax grabs, Ontario’s deficit has still ballooned—more than doubling since McGuinty came into power. Unfortunately, McGuinty’s plans never fully came into fruition with most resulting as pyrrhic victories; EQAO reports Ontario’s educational standards have fallen, green technologies have failed to create jobs and incentivize investment, and Ontario’s public transit (Toronto being the highlight) has become a laughing stock. So where has all of Ontario’s money gone? A clear and concise answer is that it is wasted.


Here’s the problem--the Liberals, under McGuinty and incumbent Kathleen Wynne, have continued to lie to Ontarians for nearly a decade. With several scandals, from e-Health ($1 billion), Ornge air ($700 million), Gas-Plant scandal ($1.1 billion) and recent MaRS funding debacle ($317 million), the Liberals have covertly burned billions of Ontario taxpayer dollars.


In fact, the lying culture of McGuinty government started right after he was elected, and some of his cheating actions hurt the feelings of the Chinese community members.  After McGuinty was elected, he failed to make good on his promise by appointing a MPP from the Chinese community to his cabinet. It was only after Chinese public outcry had escalated did he finally appoint Michael Chan as the Minister of Revenue.


The troubling matter is that every time the Liberals are caught red-handed, they shrug it off as if Ontario has an endless supply of hardworking people to pay for their slipups. Kathleen Wynne has even stated the MaRS funding is the ‘responsible decision’ government needs to undertake in efforts to use tax dollars ‘as wisely as possible’. The Liberals lack any remorse for tax payers and their attempts to justify waste are an insult to the intelligence of Ontarians.

即便自由党丑闻不断,谎话连篇,许多人仍为自由党辩护。《环球邮报》在其社论中称,安省负债水平还未达到希腊那种地步。没错,安省状况是没那么遭,否则,安省早就处于经 济危机之中,百姓早就遭殃了。问题是,债务会像滚雪球那样一天天涨起来的,如果我们不及时采取措施,安省经济迟早会陷入希腊那种不可自拔的境地。

However, even with repeated scandals and continued lies, many still defend the Liberals policy on spending -- A Globe and Mail editorial cites examples that Ontario debt level has not reached Greece levels. Obviously Ontario isn’t there yet otherwise we’d be suffering a serious economic meltdown. What needs to be emphasized is that debt accumulation is a slippery slope and if we don’t nip it in the bud, our economy would eventually be in the crisis that Greece is in.


But still, the scandal plagued Liberals and Tories continue to poll closely. The problem rests with Tim Hudak and his inability to connect with voters. Seen as robotic and uncharismatic, Hudak has desperately tried to change his public image with varying amounts of success. According to Hudak, he intends to create 1 million jobs but cutting 100,000 public sector workers, scrap the Finch and Scarborough LRT programs and introduce subway funding, reduce the size of cabinet, and axing the 30% university tuition grant and transferring it to college education.


But Hudak’s proposals have been slightly outlandish and have been deeply criticized for being political rhetoric. According to the Globe and Mail, economists reviewed Hudak’s plan and have claimed they are calculation errors, despite his degree in Masters of Economics. Teachers unions and even the Ontario police union claim his cuts would destroy real well-paying jobs for hypothetical ones.


But what is undeniable is that Ontario has lost its competitive edge for jobs and businesses in the past 10 years. Over 300,000 manufacturing jobs have been lost, the student job market has deteriorated with youth unemployment standing at 17%, and Ontarians lose $11 billion a year in productivity from traffic congestion with GTA having the longest commute times in North America.


Ontarians need change, and they must send the Liberals a strict message—this deceitful behavior is not to be tolerated. We must demand change in Ontario by voting in the Conservatives. Even adamant Hudak despisers must come to terms with what we are saying if we re-elect the Liberals: it’s okay to cheat, it’s okay to lie. Dalton McGuinty and Kathleen Wynne have left a dirty legacy, and we need a party to get in there and clean up the filth and grime-which is the Ontario PC.



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