

FAQ:  Ontario Election


Voting is a right and also a responsibility. For every Ontarian eligible to vote, you should have your voice heard and opinions expressed by casting a ballot.

• 加拿大公民
• 选举日为18周岁
• 身份和地址证明文件

Who can vote?
You can vote if you:
•    are a Canadian citizen
•    are at least 18 years old on election day
•    Establish proof of identity and address

你可以在投票期之内或之外致电1-800-INFO VOTE 注册。在选举时间内,如果你还没有加入到投票者的行列之中,你仍然可以通过身份和地址证明文件注册选举。你可以通过以下三种方式的其中之一证明你的身份和地址。
    展示一份由政府机构签发的带有你相片,姓名和住址的身份证明原件。
    展示两份由政府机构签发的原件。两份身份证明文件必须同时有你的名字,其中之一必须有你的住址。
    宣誓并找一个熟悉你的选民为你担保(两人同时要求作证词)。此人必须拥有合法身份证明文件并且与你在同一个选区选。此人只能担保一人且被担保人不可再为其他人担保。

How do I register to vote?
You can register to vote at anytime during or outside of an election by calling 1-800-INFO VOTE. During an election, if you are not already on the voters list you can still register on election day if you prove your identity and address. You can prove your identity and address in one of three ways.
•    Show one original piece of identification with your photo, name and address. It must be issued by a government agency.
•    Show two original pieces of authorized identification. Both pieces must have your name and one must also have your address.
•    Take an oath and have an elector who knows you vouch for you (both of you will be required to make a sworn statement). This person must have authorized identification and their name must appear on the list of electors in the same polling division as you. This person can only vouch for one person and the person who is vouched for cannot vouch for another elector.

使用Voter Information Service (选民信息服务)或者联系你的当地加拿大选举办公室找出你可以在哪里注册并投票。

You can also register in person on any of the advance voting days, which are announced during the election.
To find out where you can register and vote, use our Voter Information Service or contact your local Elections Canada office.
Although you can always register when you vote, you are encouraged to register ahead of time. Voting is faster if you’re registered.

1    在选举日投票
    你必须已经注册后才可投票;如果你没有注册,你可以现在就在安大略选举网站注册,或在你的投票点开始投票之前注册。
    你必须证明自己的身份和住址。


How do I vote – what are my options?
1.Vote on Election Day
The date, hours and address of your election day poll will be available on your voter information card or by calling Elections Canada.
To vote on election day:
•    You must be registered to vote; if you aren't, you can register now on the Elections Ontario website, or register at your polling place, just before you vote.
•    You must prove your identity and address.

2. Vote at advance polls

They are held on the tenth, ninth and seventh day before election day, from 12 noon to 8:00 p.m.

在你就近的投票站投票,你必须完成注册和特殊选票申请表(Application for Registration and Special Ballot)。如果你愿意,工作人员也会帮你完成这份表格。当然你必须证明你的身份和家庭住址。

3. Vote at your local Election Canada Office
You can vote in person at your local Elections Canada office for most of the election period.
After an election is called, Elections Canada sets up local offices in every riding in Canada.
To vote at your local office, you must complete an Application for Registration and Special Ballot. Staff can help you with this form, if you'd like. You must show proof of your identity and home address.
Once your special ballot application is accepted, staff will give you a special ballot voting kit. You can vote on the spot. Or, if you prefer, you can come back to the office to submit your vote later.
After an election is called, the address and hours of your local Elections Canada office will be available on this website, on your voter information card or by calling Elections Canada.


    完成注册和特殊选票申请表。表格可在网上获取,在各个当地加拿大选举办公室,在任何加拿大使馆,专员或领馆办公室, 或者致电加拿大选举办公室。
    把填妥的表格且由你的身份证明和家庭住址的信寄出。你可以通过传真,邮件或者亲临任何一家当地选举办公室。
    一旦的你申请获得批复,他们会通过普通邮件给你送达特殊投票套件。(如果你亲自申请,工作人员会亲手交给你)。套件讲述了如何填写特殊选票并如何邮寄。

4. Vote by Mail
If your home is in Canada, you must wait until after an election is called to apply to vote by mail.
After an election is called:
•    Complete an Application for Registration and Special Ballot. The form will be available on this website, at any local Elections Canada office, at any Canadian embassy, high commission or consulate or by calling Elections Canada.
•    Send in your completed form and proof of identity and home address. You can submit them by fax, by mail, or in person at any local Elections Canada office.
•    Once your application is accepted, they will send you a special ballot voting kit by regular mail. (If you apply in person, staff will hand you the kit.) The kit explains how to mark your special ballot and mail it in.


I am a student studying away from home, how do I vote?
Canadians who will be 18 years of age or older on polling day and who live in Canada but who expect to be absent from their electoral districts, either in Canada or abroad, during an electoral event may vote by special ballot.

An elector must register as soon as possible after an electoral event has been called by sending Elections Canada anApplication for Registration and Special Ballot form. This form may be requested in person, by mail, by telephone or by fax from any office of the returning officer or from Elections Canada in Ottawa. It can also be downloaded from the Elections Canada website. In addition, the form is available at Canadian embassies, high commissions or consular offices.

To exercise the right to vote during an electoral event, the elector's completed application must be received by any returning officer no later than 6:00 p.m., local time, or by Elections Canada in Ottawa no later than 6:00 p.m., Eastern Time, on the Tuesday before polling day. The application may be sent by fax. It must be accompanied by a photocopy of proof of identity and address of ordinary residence in Canada: either a single document bearing the elector's name, address of ordinary residence and signature (such as a driver's licence) or a combination of two documents, one with the elector's name and address of ordinary residence (such as a utilities bill) and the other bearing the elector's name and signature (such as a library card). Elections Canada verifies the elector's identity and determines his or her electoral district.

Manner of voting
Once the elector's application is approved, Elections Canada sends a personalized special ballot voting kit to the elector at the mailing address indicated on the application form. If the elector submits the application in person to the office of a returning officer and it is approved, he or she receives a special ballot voting kit immediately.
在大选进行时,选民必须获得他/她所在选区的候选人名单。在选举日的前19天,候选人名单将会确认,这些候选人的名字可以在www.elections.ca 获取或者致电加拿大选举办公室问询处咨询,或者通过加拿大大使,专员或者领事获得。
选民必须先在选举套件的信封外的声明上签好字。此份声明显示选民的名字在信封上,并且此次选举过程中之前尚未投票和之后也不会再投票。投票期间,选民在自己选区的选票上写上其中一位候选人的名字,或者在投票中选择"yes" 或者 "no"。 选民根据所提供的指示把选票塞进信封。
In the case of an election, the elector must obtain the names of the candidates in his or her electoral district. These names can be found at www.elections.ca, or obtained by calling the Elections Canada Enquiries Unit, or through Canadian embassies, high commissions and consulates after the candidates have been confirmed, on the 19th day before polling day.
In the case of a referendum, each referendum question is printed on a separate ballot.
To vote, the elector must first complete and sign the declaration on the outer envelope that forms part of the voting kit. The declaration states that the elector's name is as shown on the envelope, and that he or she has not already voted and will not attempt to vote again in the current electoral event. In the case of an election, the elector then completes the ballot by writing on it the name of one of the candidates in his or her electoral district – or, in the case of a referendum, by checking either "yes" or "no." The elector inserts the ballot into the series of envelopes in accordance with the instructions provided.
Finally, the elector is responsible for ensuring that Elections Canada in Ottawa receives the ballot no later than 6:00 p.m., Eastern Time, on polling day in order to be counted. The ballot must be sent in the envelopes provided. A ballot received by fax cannot be counted.



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