

Meet the mayoral Candidates -- Markham Municipal Election 2014 (V)

随着多伦多市长选举进入白热化,将于1027日举行的万锦市政选举也进入冲刺阶段。《大中报》开辟Bob Mok撰写的专栏,以分析万锦市的选举议题和介绍(区域和选区)议员及万锦市长的候选人。我们希望通过他的专栏和文章让读者更好地了解都市政容,也以期帮助选民们在投票箱中投出明智的一票。

Markham municipal election -- which falls on Oct. 27, has entered its final stretch as Toronto mayoral race is heating up. Chinese News will run a column by Bob Mok, which identifies Markham election issues and introduces councillorand mayoral candidates.  We hope his column and articles will shed light on municipal politics and help voters to make the right choices.

Mok has actively participated in Markham municipal politicsover the past few years.He started with fighting against the City’s Arena proposal using public funding, and was instrumental in its ultimate demise.  His presence at Council and Committee meetings and his deputations have helped curb wastes and increase the City's transparency. 


The attached Ward map outlines the boundaries of each Ward in Markham. We will post this up for each article under our Markham election series to assist our readers to identify their Ward number based on their home addresses.






Synopsis (Ward#2):



Originally Ward#6, this ward is renamed after the Boundary changes, when the old Ward#2 was absorbed into the new Ward#1.




There was only 8 percentage points of separation between the 5 candidates in the last election (2010). The separation between first and second place in that race was a very slim margin of 205 votes. One of the 2 wards with a high concentration of residents with Asian heritage, it is drawing 3 candidates of Chinese heritage out of 4. There is only 1 rookie candidate in this race.



For those who play the “Heritage card”, it will not be enough this time around. The candidate must appeal to constituents of all heritages and show them that the desire to work for them is genuine and willingness to communicate in English in any discussions and debates will be paramount to a successful campaign.



Ward#2 Issues:



The most talked about and still unresolved recently is the unfulfilled vision at Cathedraltown:


Cathedraltown社区位于 Major MackenzieDrive以北与404高速公路以东。在十年前这个小区开始开发时,精美的小册子上描绘了一个生机勃勃的郊外社区,其围绕着著名的大教堂,风景优美。开发项目包括一个湖,一个广场,点缀着公园、凉亭,甚至喷泉。可是今天,那个湖不过是一个调节雨水的池子(基本上就是一道沟),而其他承诺也都没有兑现。

The Cathedraltown Community is located at North of Major Mackenzie Drive and East of Highway 404. A decade ago, the wonderful brochures presented a bustling suburban landscape surrounding the Cathedral. The development included a lake, a piazza, highlighted by parks with gazeboes and even fountains. Today, the lake is a storm management pond (essentially a ditch) and nothing else promised materialized.



Residents endured a construction zone environment for a decade of traffic congestion, diminishing green spaces, lack of visitor parking, and parks and open spaces. The residents have become frustrated, prompting the Cathedraltown Ratepayers Association to prepare a listing of over 100 deficiencies at the site.  To compound this problem, a new application from the developer to add low rise (4-story) condominiums into the area this year, further increases the population density.


当地居民因此要求开发商先将社区美化项目完成。现任市议员Alan Ho向市府建议成立一个由纳税人协会成员、当地居民和开发商共同组成的工作小组。但居民们拒绝接受这一想法,称Ho并未聆听他们的诉求。由于在与市府进行进一步谈判后,居民仍未得到明确的保证,他们向市府递交了一封律师信。

The residents demanded the developer to complete the community improvements first as promised. The incumbent Councillor Ho proposed the city form a working group consisting of members of the ratepayer association, local residents and the developer. Residents balked at the idea, saying Ho was not listening to their concerns. Further negotiations with the City did not provide the residents with clear and documented assurances resulting in them sending a Lawyer’s letter to the City.



The Developer has now gone to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) to seek permission for their new development plans. In September, the City finally decided to side with the residents to prepare and fight the OMB battle. Many residents want to know why this unfulfilled community vision was allowed to happen in the first place.



Ward#2 Candidates:


Alan Ho:201312月的特别委员会会议后,除了现任市长,这位现任市议员是唯一一位支持使用公帑兴建体育馆的市议员。在2010年的选举中,Alan只获得24%选票(1915票),在所有选区市议员中得票率最低。

Alan Ho: This incumbentwas the only Councillor to support the building of an Arena with public funds after the Special Council sessions in December of 2013; the only other supporting Council member being the Mayor. Alan won with only 24% of those who casted votes (1915 votes) in 2010 and had the lowest mandate amongst all ward councillors.




In the Compliance Audit of his campaign expenses in 2010, the Auditor found 23 items of contraventions with approximately one third of his campaign expenses made from sources other than his campaign account.



Jim Kwan:2010年的市选中,Jim仅以205票落败。在过去几年,他一直积极参与市议会活动,并帮助组织反对使用公帑兴建体育馆,最终这一提议被推翻。自上次市选后,Jim一直致力于解决市政问题,并通过一个报纸专栏每周和居民进行沟通,此外他还参与了议会代表团,与居民进行合作,与市议员进行协商。

Jim Kwan: The runner up in 2010, he lost by 205 votes only. Jim was actively involved in Council activities over the last few years and was instrumental in organizing opposition to the Arena project using public funds, eventually leading to its demise. Since the last election, Jim addressed municipal issues and communicated to residents through a Newspaper column every week, as well as making deputations at the Council, working with residents and consulting with Council members.


David Papadimitriou:在上次市选中,David排名第三,但是在此次竞选中他并没有非常积极地进行拉票。候选人与居民进行交流,并跟进他们关注的问题非常重要。他已经没有多少时间收复失地。

David Papadimitriou:  He came third last time but has not showed great signs of active canvassing this time around. It is important to talk to residents and follow up on the issues affecting them. There is very little time for him to make up for lost ground.


Daphne Wong:生活和工作经验都有限的新秀候选人,她主要是依靠“家族名”参选。她的父亲是2009年于在任期间去世的区域议员Tony Wong。她没有像其他候选人一样在当地报纸上发表个人资料,至今也从未参加过全体候选人大会,似乎并未积极参与此次竞选。

Daphne Wong: A rookie candidate with limited life and job experiences, she ran primarily on a “Family Name”. Her father, Tony Wong was a Regional Councillor who passed away in 2009 while serving on Council.  She had not filed her profile in the local Newspaper like other candidates and did not attend any all-candidates meeting as of today and seemed not to be engaging in the race at this time.







Synopsis (Ward#6):



There are no Employment land, factory and industrial buildings and mall in Ward 6, Ward 6 only have residential, farm and a few commercial plazas, it is therefore not a well-balanced ward.



This is also another ward with high concentration of residents with Asian heritage (the other being Ward#2. It is also one of the two with the most traffic congestions (the other one being Ward#3). Not only is the East-West corridor on Highway#7 a traffic congestion issue, but also all of its North-south artery roads.



There is no incumbent since the ward is carved out of others during the redrawn of boundaries in 2013.



There are 6 candidates running in Ward#6, 4 of the Candidates are of Chinese heritage. 5 of the contestants are rookies.



Ward#6 Issues:


交通拥堵:这一问题涉及道路的设计;Warden路、Kennedy路、McCowan路、16th街和Major Mac路在高峰时段出现的大塞车。此外,也没有Go Train连接第六选区的高速公路。

Traffic Congestion: The problem is the design of the roads; major traffic jams form during rush hours on Warden, Kennedy, McCowan, 16th and Major Mac. There is No Go Train connection and connection to Highways in Ward 6



Warden19th街之间将建造一个新的体育公园。在Major Mac路北侧的第六选区内仍有大量农田。在Augus Glen社区、Kennedy路和16th街有大量新屋。

A new Sport Park will be built on Warden and 19th. There is still a lot of farm land in Ward 6 on the north side of Major Mac. There are lots of new homes in Augus Glen community and Kennedy and 16th area.



Ward#6 Candidates:


Zach Armstrong:这位新秀候选人与另一位区域议员候选人Nirmala Armstrong没有任何关系。在全体候选人大会上,他对市议会处理居民问题时表现出的无能感到失望。

Zach Armstrong: This rookie is NOT related to another Regional Councillor Candidate Nirmala Armstrong. He expresses frustration over the inability of Council to deal with the residents’ issues during his All-candidate meeting speech. He is a white-collar worker who would like to approach residents and listen to their concerns.


Amanda Yeung Collucci:经营保洁业务的新秀候选人,她积极支持使用公帑兴建体育馆。她积极推动“无赌场”竞选活动,尽管每个人都清楚“赌场”并不是竞选问题,因此市议会在可预见的未来并不会重开这一话题。

Amanda Yeung Collucci:  A rookie candidate running her own cleaning business, she supported the building of the arena using public funds vigourously. She has been active in running a “No Casino” campaign even when it is clear to everyone that the “casino” is not an election issue and will not come back to Council in the foreseeable future.


Benson Lau:较迟才加入这场竞选的新秀候选人,但他此前似乎拥有万锦市以外的政治选举经验。身为医生的Benson曾经担任过公民法庭法官,他最近(近几个月)才搬回万锦市,势必会忙于登门拜访许多选民。

Benson Lau: A late entry to this race, this Rookie apparently had some other previous political campaigning experiences outside of Markham. A medical Doctor and one-time citizenship court judge, Benson moved back into Markham recently (last few months) and will have to knock on a lot of doors in a hurry.


Raymond Miu:曾经在多伦多市中心驻守多年的退休警官,这位新秀候选人提出的政纲包括他的优势项目——社区安全。从本月播出的一档电视节目中可以看出,他对市议会运作程序明显缺乏了解。

Raymond Miu: A retired Police Sergeant who stationed in Downtown Toronto for many years; he is now a rookie candidate trying to run on a platform that included his forte – Community Safety. His apparent lack of knowledge with regard to Council operating procedures was evident in one of the television programs aired this month.


Cliff Redford:这位新秀候选人是一名兽医(动物医生)。除了已经宣布的竞选政纲,Cliff的关注重点之一是在万锦市开设一个不会杀戮动物的收容所。

Cliff Redford: A rookie candidate and a veterinarian (animal doctor). In addition to his stated platforms, one of Cliff’s main focuses is to set up a no-kill animal shelter in Markham. 


Gin Siow:作为该选区候选人中的唯一一名老将,Gin首次参选是在2009年参加第三选区的补选。在2010年他曾角逐第四选区市议员,最终以3201票排名第二,仅次于获得连任的市议员Carolina MorettiGin在万锦市居住和经营企业超过20年,他经常自愿参加慈善机构和社区服务组织的活动。在去年,Gin曾积极参与阻止使用公帑兴建体育馆。

Gin Siow: As the only veteran on this slate of candidates,Gin first participated in a by-election in Ward#3 in 2009. He camesecond when he ran in Ward#4 in 2010, picking up 3201 votes and came second to the re-elected Councillor Carolina Moretti. He isa Markham resident and business owner of over 20 years and volunteered in Charities and community services organizations. Gin was involved and active in stopping the use of public funding to build the Arena last year.





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