

Federal Election 2015 (VII): heritage candidates in B.C.
来源: Bob Mok
Bob Mok的竞选专题文章继续介绍平原省份和卑诗省的族裔候选人,他们当中绝大多数都是出生于香港。
Bob Mok’s election column introduces heritage candidates from Prairie Provinces and B.C.  – most of whom were born in Hong Kong.

Please refer to an earlier article for this series of discussions -    http://096.ca/news/550866 , http://096.ca/news/558925 ,  http://096.ca/news/566559, http://096.ca/news/567397 , http://096.ca/news/567523, and http://096.ca/news/567827


As we look west to the Prairie Provinces (Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan), British Columbia, and the Territories, we can see more aboriginal candidates. Over in British Columbia, we find candidates and incumbents of Hong Kong origins due to the massive immigration in the 1980’s and 1990’s ahead of the return of Hong Kong to China in 1997. 


When it comes to recruiting visible minority and heritage candidates, NDP selected a majority of those who were born in Canada. Conversely, the Liberal and Conservative parties selected mostly of these candidates who were born outside of this country.


The Territories (Nunavut, Yukon, and Northwest Territories - 1 seat each). No heritage or Chinese candidates.


Heritage Candidates in Prairie Provinces (62 seats). There are no candidates of Chinese origin:
Conservatives – 1
Liberals – 5
NDP – 3


British Columbia (42 Seats). There are 7 Chinese candidates.
Conservatives – 4
Liberals – 7
NDP – 1

Chinese Candidates –


赵锦荣(Steveston-Richmond East选区,出生于香港的软件工程师),前国会议员(2000-2004)。苏立道在此次大选中代表自由党出战该选区出乎人们的意料。这个新选区包括原有里士满和三角州列治文东选区的部分地区,而这两个选区之前都是保守党阵地。但是由于该选区目前是全新版图,因此结果很难预料,可能要等到选举日才会见分晓。

Kenny Chiu (Steveston-Richmond East – A Software Engineer born in Hong Kong). A former MP (2000-2004) Joe Peschisolido is now running as a Liberal unexpectedly. This is a new riding that includes parts of old Richmond and Delta Richmond East ridings both of which were previously “Conservative”. Since this riding hasn't existed before in its current form, it is tough to get a feel for. It will probably go with the voting trend that will prevail on Election Day.

黄陈小萍(Richmond Centre选区现任议员,出生于香港),任职联邦长者事务部部长,她在2008年首次当选,在2011年大选中以58%的选票赢得连任,在此次大选中她应该能够保住这个席位。

Alice Wong (Richmond Centre- Incumbent born in Hong Kong). First elected in 2008, she is the Minister of state for Seniors. Won by 58% of the votes casted in 2011, she should be able to retain this seat.

杨萧慧仪(Vancouver South选区现任议员,出生于香港),她在最近因为将保守党“收紧犯罪法案和推出C-51反恐法案”的举措比喻为耶稣济世,而让自己陷入争议风波。此外,她发表的有关加拿大安全情报局(CSIS)和印航爆炸案的言论也严重失言,最终不得不发表声明收回相关言论。而这些事件都会对其竞选连任产生负面影响。

Wai Young (Vancouver South-Incumbent born in Hong Kong). She found herself in a recent controversy by literally comparing the Conservatives to Jesus because of their 'tough on crime' bills and the C-51 'spy bill'. She also made unflattering comments regarding CSIS and the Air India bombing, only to retract from her statement after being called out on it. These events will hurt her chances to keep her seat.


寇鸿久(Vancouver Kingsway选区,出生于中国大陆的银行家),在另外两名提名候选人“退出”后,寇鸿久不负众望地获得自由党提名。但是自2008年以来,该选区就一直为新民主党议员Don Davies把持,而在上次大选中,自由党在该选区的支持率也仅排名“第三”。而此次大选是寇鸿久的显示其优势之时。

Steven Kuo (Vancouver Kingsway – A banker born in Mainland China). Steven was acclaimed as a Liberal nominee when two others “withdrew” from the contest. This riding is held by NDP MP Don Davies since 2008 and the Liberals came “third” in the last election. The margin of victory for Davies can only increase this time around.

黄国治(Vancouver East选区,本地出生的律师),该选区一直被认为是新民主党最安全的选区,而黄国治将在该选区对抗实力强劲的新民主党候选人关慧贞(见下文),其获胜的可能性几乎为零。

Edward Wong (Vancouver East – A Lawyer born locally). He is running against a strong NDP candidate Jenny Kwan (See below) in the safest NDP riding in Canada. It is impossible to overcome this adversity.

胡以钧(Richmond Centre选区,出生于香港的会计师),他将在该选区对抗现任保守党议员黄陈小萍(见上文)。黄陈小萍在里士满华裔社区深受拥戴,并获得选区内大部分选民的支持。鉴于该选区选民不太可能投票支持新民主党,而黄陈小萍在2011年大选中又是以巨大优势当选,在此次大选中保守党很可能再次拿下该选区。

Lawrence Woo (Richmond Centre – A chartered accountant born in Hong Kong). He is running against incumbent Conservative MP Alice Wong (See above).  Alice Wong is well liked by the Chinese-Canadian community in Richmond, who make up the majority of the riding. This riding is unlikely to vote NDP, and considering the large margin which sent Wong to Parliament in 2011, it will likely once again go Conservative.


关慧贞(Vancouver East选区,资深省议员,出生于香港),该选区一直被认为是新民主党最安全的选区,而关慧贞在当地是深受欢迎且众所周知的省府政客。关慧贞的主要对手是自由党新秀候选人律师黄国治,后者曾卷入选区提名争议,结果无需多言。

Jenny Kwan (Vancouver East – A Member of the Provincial legislature born in Hong Kong). This riding is the safest for the NDP in Canada and she is a popular and well-known local provincial politician. Jenny is running against rookie Liberal candidate Lawyer Edward Wong who was involved in a riding nomination controversy earlier. Enough said.


Next time, we will look at the overall predicted seats totals for this Federal Election.



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