

Worth Repeating: As Taiwan votes, China looms large
Presidents and prime ministers do not usually campaign in other countries’ elections. But Xi Jinping, the Chinese President, has in effect endorsed the governing party of Taiwan by meeting its departing leader in another country, Singapore.
The election doesn’t take place until January, but this gesture has probably come too late. Ma Ying-jeou’s party, the relatively pro-unification Kuomintang – which was once the governing party of China itself – is running behind the Democratic Progressive Party,most of whose voters would prefer independence for Taiwan.
The two presidents diplomatically addressed each other as “Mr.,” as if to leave open their respective statuses, but Mr. Ma did not prevail upon Mr. Xi to consent to Taiwanese participation in international organizations. So nothing concrete was really achieved.
Although there is a huge amount of trade between China and Taiwan and much mutually profitable Taiwanese investment into China, Taiwan is essentially defended by the U.S. Navy. So the Strait of Taiwan is one of the most dangerous fault lines in the world’s international order.
位于太平洋周边地区,台湾自然会想加入跨太平洋伙伴关系,以加强与邻国的经济往来。对于一些西方的政策制定者,TPP(Trans-Pacific Partnership,跨太平洋伙伴关系协定)的主要目的是“大战略”,即遏制中国和保持美国的霸权。但是,被一些人称为“北约经济组织”的TPP将加剧国际冲突。
Being on the Pacific Rim, Taiwan would naturally like to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership, to enhance economic relations with its neighbours. For some Western policy-makers, the main purpose of the TPP is a “grand strategy” to help contain China and maintain an American hegemony. But an “economic NATO,” as some people have called the TPP, would heighten international conflict.
It would be much better if the next phase of the TPP includes China and Taiwan – if indeed there is a next phase, and assuming that the present version of the TPP legislation gets through the U.S. Congress in the first place. Taiwan is more than willing.
In the best of all possible worlds, or even somewhere far short of that, China would or could welcome Taiwan as a fellow member in the TPP. But if China did not join the trade deal, Beijing would probably put serious pressure on Taiwan not to join it either.
Xi Jinping may not have accomplished anything specific with the historic meeting – the first between the two countries’ leaders since 1949 – but he demonstrated a sense of versatility while also reminding the world of China’s interests in the region.
Note: The Editorial was published by The Globe and Mail on November 11, 2015. Translated by Jack Jia, Chinese News.



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