

多温两市房地产市场过热,房价持续飙升,令满地可BMO Nesbitt Burns分析师考虑使用泡沫一词描绘市场现状。但泡沫一词曾出现于历史上的加国房市。在2006年的卡尔加里和80年代的多伦多的房屋市场上,当分析师们发现房价年涨幅高达40%时, 曾认定市场出现泡沫。事实证明分析师们的判断是正确的,两次市场狂飙均以失败收场。
Amid the red hot real estate markets in Toronto and Vancouver, home prices continue to surge, prompting BMO Nesbitt Burns to consider labelling the market with the ‘B word’. But the B word had its history in Canadian real estate markets. Back in 2006 in Calgary and the 1980’s in Toronto, analysts identified the markets with the B word when they saw price growth reached as high as 40% year over year. The word “Bubble” proved to be used correctly as both episodes ended poorly. 



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