

Ontario Minister Michael Chan defends China’s human rights record
在中国外长王毅对加国记者有关中国人权状况发飙几天后,安省移民部长陈国治发表评论为中国人权辩护,称中国的人权问题涵义甚广,应将其与中国大众生活广泛改善的现状挂钩。陈国治的这一反响文章在保守党议员,前加国移民部长Jason Kenny看来并不足为奇。Kenny向《环球邮报》表示,陈给他的印象是”有时会把自己看做是非官方的中国大使。”
Days after Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s outburst at a Canadian reporter in Ottawa who questioned China’s troubled human rights record, Michael Chan, Ontario Minister of Citizenship and Immigration weighed in with an opinion piece defending China, arguing that human rights are a broader issue in China and should be viewed in connection with the enrichment of Chinese people’s welfare. Chan’s reaction piece has not surprised Jason Kenny, a Conservative MP and former cabinet minister, who told the Globe and Mail that he got the impression that “Chan sometimes regards himself as unofficial ambassador for the PRC.”
In the Globe article “Ontario Minister Michael Chan defends China’s human rights record”, Jack Jia, the publisher of this paper, was quoted as saying that “Chan’s column does not reflect Canadian values… He does not look at what price China has paid for today’s achievements”. 



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