
安省内阁部长陈国治要求Jason Kenny道歉 威胁法律诉讼

据《环球邮报》报道,安省内阁部长陈国治要求国会议员Jason Kenny 就其对陈热情支持中国的批评言论道歉,并要求他撤回其对陈的批评。陈并表示如果Kenny不在7日内撤回其言论,则将对Kenny发起法律行动。

Ontario cabinet minister Michael Chan demands an apology from MP Jason Kenny for his criticism about Chan’s strong support for China and asked him to withdraw his comments, according to the Globe. Chan further threatens to take a legal action against Kenny, if he does not withdraw his comments within seven days.

Kenny 坚守其立场,表示其言论公平,属一般政治言论。“在民众社会中,被选举政客应通过公开辩论来面对不同异见, 而不是通过诽谤诉讼以期制造恐吓效应。“ 

Kenny stood by his comments, saying they are within the realm of fair comments and ordinary political discourse. “Elected officials in democracy should respond to remarks they disagree with through open public debate, instead of resorting to legal actions designed to create libel chill,” said Kenny. 



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