


Canada has planned to lift the visa requirement for Mexican visitors to Canada. If Canada wants to open its door widely to Chinese visitors, why does the Liberal government not consider lifting the visa requirement for Chinese visitors? Chinese News asked the question during a media conference prior to John McCallum’s leaving for China.


McCallum says lifting visa requirement has its pros and cons. It can facilitate tourism, trade and exchange of human resources but it may also bring in people not desired by Canada. Visa requirement is always considered on a case-by-case bases.  In the case of Mexico, lifting visa requirement has reflected a fact that Mexico is a NAFTA partner and Mexicans didn’t need visa to come to Canada before 2008. But in the case of China, the issue has never been raised by the Chinese officials -- said McCallum, but he is happy to discuss it with Chinese officials if the issue arises during his visit to China. 

麦考镰称:“中国官员至今尚未向我提出过这一话题… 但在我访华期间,该话题可能会被提出。”

“I have never spoken to Chinese officials about this topic… Maybe it will arise when I visit China,” he said.


But as the Chinese government eagerly seeks Canada’s corporation in bringing back fugitives and corrupted officials, the issue has not made it to the list of topics reportedly discussed during McCallum’s visit.    



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