

PM Trudeau invited wealthy Chinese Canadian donors to official dinner for Chinese Premiere Li Keqiang
在Wealth One银行未被批准运营前,特鲁多总理曾通过筹款晚宴与其接触,引起加国操守委员的质疑并促使她对此进行公开问询。随着自由党花钱见政要丑闻加剧,《邮报》另一篇文章报道的又一则惊人消息显示特鲁多曾慷慨地回馈那些捐款者,特别是来自商业社区的华裔加国人士。特鲁多总理曾邀请数名包括多伦多超市巨头欧阳元森及腰缠万贯的集资晚宴主持人苗佩非在内的华裔富豪们参加今年9月份为中国总理李克强举办的欢迎晚宴,为这些捐款者提供接触加国内阁部长及中国政府高官们的机会。

PM Trudeau’s interaction with Wealth One Bank through a fundraiser before the bank got the greenlight to operate has raised the eyebrows of Canada’s Ethics Commissioner and prompted her inquiries. Amid the deepening woes of Liberals’ cash-for-access practices, the Globe article reveals another shocking fact that sheds light on how Trudeau handsomely awarded his donors – particularly those from the Chinese Canadian business community. Trudeau invited several wealthy Chinese Canadian donors -- including Toronto grocery store magnate Yuansheng Ou Yang and a multimillionaire and a fundraiser host Miao Peifei -- to an official dinner in honouring of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang in Sept., giving donors the opportunity to mingle with top officials of the Canadian Cabinet Ministers and the Chinese government.  

全文请阅下周五文章: 捐款自由党  华裔富翁荣纳李克强晚宴



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