

CCBC rebuffs MP request to help Canadian couple criminally prosecuted in China for commercial dispute
在因商业纠纷而被中国刑事起诉的加拿大夫妇之女本周与外交部长方慧兰(Chrystia Freeland)会面后,加拿大政府许诺说该对夫妇将会得到渥太华将全力支持和帮助。但是,当华人社区对此案倍加关注、加拿大的议员们和部长们在尽力确保这对夫妇安全回加之际,加中贸易理事会(CCBC)却对此案无动于衷,并拒绝伸出援手。该贸易理事会甚至告诫加国公司,他们应遵守中国的法律,以免被中国的司法系统抓住把柄。
The Canadian couple who faces criminal prosecution in China for a commercial dispute has been assured of Ottawa’s strong support, following their daughter’s meeting with Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland this week.  However, amid great concerns in the Chinese community over the case and as Canadian MPs and cabinet Ministers vow to put their best efforts to ensure the couple’s safe return, the Canada China Business Council (CCBC) takes an opposing stance towards the issue and refuses to extend a helping hand.  It has further advised Canadian companies to follow Chinese laws to avoid being caught up in the Chinese justice system.



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